Chapter 4

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"And you also think that hop scotch is weird," I said rolling my eyes and walking to the hospital room. I step inside and looks at Satoru then his mother and smiles.

"Oh hello Mrs. Mori! Oh, Kenya and Chouko!" She smiles and hugs us tightly. We look to each other then laughs lightly hugging her back.

Once we pull away I walk over and begin to help her, which had become a sort of common routine whenever I visited. I felt Kenya watching me do this from across the room a sort of tension coming from him.

I rest Satoru's hand down and walks over to Kenya. "You alright Kenya?" I ask him tilting my head a little, he had seemed like something had been troubling him. I wonder if it was the game, or possibly his whole teacher hunch, or maybe because Satoru isn't up yet.

He just sighs and walks over to the hospital chair, he started picking at the plastic which was peeling off of the armrest. I slowly walk over, not really picking up my feet as I plop down in the chair next to him. "You can talk to me you know right?" I softly say my voice breaking a little as he looks at me.

"I think you are right, I was just being paranoid earlier...about sensei." He says resting his elbows on his legs and runs his hands through his blonde hair in a confused manner, getting it in knots. I slowly lift my hand onto his and he stops. My cheeks begin to heat up and I quickly retract my hand and hold it on my lap nervously. "S-sorry."

He looks up and smiles softly before looking back at his lap "Don't worry about it. Hey do you want to go to the base with us later? We were all talking about it in school today." He says softly and looks at me his gaze meeting my eyes resulting in me looking away this time.

"I mean yeah I guess..." I mumbled softly before standing up and brushing my hair behind one of my ears and blow the remaining hairs out of my face. "I did help Ms. Fujinuma today so I think we should be ok to leave, plus it doesn't seem like Saturo will be waking up" I add as I softly sigh trying my best to not be upset again. I grab what little things I had with me and walked over to my mother and pull at her sleeve to get her attention.

She turns and looks down at me with a soft smile then leans down to my level and looks at me. "I heard you kiddo, you two go have fun I will stay here with Ms. Fujinuma for a little." She hums and ruffles my hair a little. Quickly I move my hand up to my hair to fix it again and wave to both parents as I exit the room next to Kenya.

I awkwardly hold my arm since the silence was getting a little too awkward and I look around at the same gloomy walls. In an attempt to break the silence I look at him "So why did you guys want to go to the base again?" I ask him and he looked back at me since I didn't even realize that I was slacking behind. "Oh well, I think we all wanted to talk about what is happening and the game and all.." He says shrugging as we exit the hospital.

I cover part of my face with part of my scarf to try and keep warm as we head to the base. It was silent on the way there, not a lot of speaking as we walked except the fact that I found myself being on high alert for some unknown reason.

Something isn't right

Something is completely off

I shrug off the feeling and blame it on nerves from overthinking what Kenya said about Sensei earlier.

Once we arrived at the base I sat on the couch next to Misato and sigh as I lean back. Once everyone else eventually filtered in there was a pause before Misato slowly spoke up.

"Um- well I don't know if this is just me but recently I feel like Sensei has been acting weird..." She mumbled and everyone began to nod in agreement or verbally agree.

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