Chapter 3

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I walk down the steps in a semi short black dress and my hair pulled back into a high pony tail. My hair fell mid back as I adjusted the black bow in my hair. I sigh softly looking up at my reflection in the mirror. The light color's in the room seemed to sink into a slight darkness and grim color. I look down at my black flats then walk down the steps slowly and walk into the kitchen.

My mother was still upstairs getting ready for our so called 'girl's day' that she planned yesterday. I sit down at the kitchen table and decide to watch the tv, which my mother had left on when she walked back upstairs.

All over the news was still the same story, they were saying that the car's owner was unknown since there was no license and registration found inside the car and since they license plate was in the water for so long it became faded and unreadable. I sigh in a state of confusion, anger, and sadness since in my gut I knew that this was no accident.

My mother skips down the steps smiling happily then her view looks at me and sighs softly as she wipes my face. I hadn't noticed that I was tearing up while watching the news and I just smile at her.

"I'm ok mom... lets go." I softly say to her as I smile and stand up next to her.

She smiles at me laughing softly as she leans across the counter to grab the remote. She takes it and points it to the tv and clicks it off then smiles "Ok! Let's go!" She says and walks out of the house.

I follow close behind her and look around at the surroundings as I look up at the tinted grey sky, small clouds spread evenly over the vast beyond as I sigh. "Where are we even going?" I ask looking at her with with a blank face. She turns to me and smiles.

"We are going to get our nails down." She softly says turning and walking down the main road. I scurry quickly behind as I look down at my chipped purple nail polish and softly smile at her happiness, even though the weather gives off the complete opposite mood.

The towns worries and tragic news seem to have taken a toll on most, the looming question of who or what. It felt like forever as I constantly found myself overthinking everything that could happen but we finally arrived at the nail spa.

We walk in, while I was basically hiding in my mother's shadow, I found myself slowly reverting back into the shy, quiet girl like I was in the beginning of the school year before everything had happened.

"We would like to manicures and pedicures!" My mother says happily as I hear her ramble on to the women about designs and colors for us both. I just nod yes to anything they are saying, I was zoning out to the point that my mom clapped her hands in front of my face causing me to squeak loudly.


"Why would you do that?" I yelp loudly as people turn quickly and look at me. I instantly cower down and look at the ground "I'm sorry" I mutter softly as I try to avoid everyone's eye contact, I feel people still staring at both my mother and I. Soft whispers of the women in the nail parlor float around in the air with one single idea.

She goes to the school with that one boy

Of course I stood out in this place, being the only younger one, since I should be in school right now. I fight back the tears trying to break through my eyelids and blink them away quickly as the lady who is serving us walks us to the chairs.

I slowly walk towards the chair and sit in the ugly red colored chair. I sit on the chair I sink right into the soft fabric. I look back at the chair to see spots of where it was discolored with stains of who knows what, so I just leans towards the table. I turn look to my mom who is already in a full fledge conversation with her woman as I just sit silently.

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