Chapter 5

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-A week later-

I sat in my room staring at the board which I had layed out. It had photos of each location in town which were major spots people hung out at or adults went too. Sensei was acting strange recently and slowly I found myself agreeing with the others about him. Kenya was one of the only people who continued to help me do the detective game. 

I felt myself drifting away from my friends, or should I say drifting from me. Ever since the day I had stormed out of the hideout they were distancing themselves. The only true friends I felt I had was Kenya and Satoru. I still continued to visit him and it kind of was a routine to help his mother with the little exercises she would do, so I guess she was one of my friends to? I don't really know anymore.

Looking back at the board I found myself focused onto the one area, near the night school. Thankfully my mother never made me go there but I know one girl who Satoru said was going to get taken went there. Nothing happened to her but maybe she could be able to like help me somehow, maybe she felt like she was followed before. As I tried to formulate a plan in my head I heard my mother call me and I rushed out of my room.

I turned on my heels and scrambled back into my room and threw a sheet over the board and then quickly scurried down the steps. "Yes Mom?" I asked peeking my head into the kitchen as she put out a plate of pancakes. I sat down and instantly dug in and hummed happily before looking at her disappointed face.

"It is almost time for me to drop you off at school and you are still in your pajamas, really?" My mother said, annoyance was written all over her face. My eyes glanced to the clock and saw the time. I quickly stuffed the remaining part of pancake in my mouth and stumbling up the steps.

I rummage through my closet and pull out an outfit to wear to school. I pull up my jeans in a rush and stumble back a little, bumping into the board and regained my balance. After throwing on a cute shirt and brushing my teeth and stumble back down and grab a pair of snowboots to put on. My mother was already waiting outside of the house ready to leave.

I hop into the car and turn on the radio and look down at my phone. I don't usually use this to text or anything it's mainly for games and such, recently I use it for the notes or information I find throughout the day.


After I was dropped off I felt my stomach drop just looking at the school. Yet another day of sitting for almost 7 hours in pure silence and or attempting to make conversation with people other than Kenya.

Maybe today they won't ignore me..

I walk into the homeroom and see the group already in the corner and I slowly walk up to them. "Hey guys.." I said softly and waved. A wave of tension overcame me as they all looked at me as if I killed someone or something.

"hi." They said quickly and began their conversation again. I stood there, rubbing my arm awkwardly and didn't really know how to contribute to the conversation. They were talking about things that seemed foreign to me so I zoned out, lost in my own thoughts.

Hi is an improvement, they usually only stared and went back to the conversation..


Maybe at lunch I can talk to Hiromi since he is the most understanding I would say, or maybe I ask Kenya, but he hasn't really told me anything in the past few days.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Kenya in front of me and shaking me. "h-huh.." I said softly and noticed everyone was sitting down already. "Oh." I said and sat in my seat quickly. 

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