Chapter 8

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March 14th, 1991

Today marks 3 years of Saturo's coma and 3 years since Jun's false imprisonment. It is weird to think about, how much has changed over the past three years, how much we have grown. Saturo was moved to Chiba almost 2 years ago, I try to visit on weekends by taking a train up but I never visit as often as I should... One thing remains the same though, the game... even if it seems to be only me playing now as I drag the others along. This journal is the 3rd one I have and still manage to keep writing daily, just to stay sane haha. Recently we have been getting ready for graduation, finally off to high school. People seemed to have forgotten everything that occurred 3 years ago, not me though and the rest of our group of course. 

I set down the pen and shut my journal as I hear my mom calling me. I was in 8th grade and was counting down the days till I graduated, which was 17 days. I look around my tan room and sigh. I really need to change the color again its bland. I sat up and walked over to the bookshelf that held most of my novels and my journals in order. Sliding my current one, the nicest one of the collection since it had a black stiff cover and felt like leather almost, onto the shelf I glance at the other and sigh.

"How have I managed to keep this up.." I mumble to myself then look at the board covered with the sheet. With a flick of the wrist the sheet is on the ground and exposes the complex board with a single photo in the middle, Sensei. After coming to terms that he must be the true culprit Kenya and I have begun trying to find evidence to link him.

The board was covered in notes, recollections of people from the ice hockey game. Just as we were being cautious of Sensei he seemed to be more observant of us. Just as he did when Saturo first went into a coma he would over hear things we said or sometimes would say something to our group that we didn't know.

After some basic snooping we discovered his current car is the same exact model as the one Saturo was found in, yet the licenses plates obviously did not match. A picture of that is near the top corner, Kazu claims he saw Sensei getting out of it one day before school and took a photo for me to keep and put on the board.

The notes were interactions we have with him written down, some were handy and others were not but they were all there either way.

"Cho! You are going to be late again!" my mother yelled up and I groaned a little seeing how I wasn't even changed. I quickly throw on a pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt accompanied with a big tan cardigan. I fix my hair and pull it back into a hairband and then stumble around my room to find my glasses.

Yup had to get those but they aren't that horrible. After moving around things on my desk, and knocking some items off, I finally found them and put them on, then rushed downstairs.

My mother being the saint that she is already had my breakfast of a toasted bagel and cream cheese in a bag so I can have it on the go. She pushed on my shoulders a little to signal me to go rush and get my shoes. After putting on a pair of boots I jumped a little and sprinted back upstairs.

Running into the bathroom I quickly opened the cabinet to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste. I put on the toothpaste, in a rather messy fashion, and brush over all of my teeth for about 30 seconds before spitting the minty toothpaste out and rinsing with water. I stumble back down the steps, slipping on the bottom three and catch my balance; snagging my bag from the counter before running out of the house and into the front seat of the car. 

My mother, following behind, locks the door and double checks. She gets in the drivers seat and hands me the breakfast as she starts driving. I usually bike to school but since today I was running late she is driving. 

I hum in content as I bite into the bagel and lean back watching the buildings quickly pass by as she low-key speeds to school.

"I swear I need to drag you out of bed earlier" my mom mumbles focusing on the road

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