twenty two

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yoongi pulled away eyeing the youngers face; his lips were a deep pink and slightly swollen, his cheeks had a dark tint across them and his eyes glistened as he stared up at yoongi with lustful eyes.

the older gave jimin a warm smile before moving his head toward him again; reconnecting their lips.

yoongi squeezed jimin's ass making him squeak, he took the opportunity to slide his tongue into the youngers wet cavern searching every inch of his mouth, jimin melted at the feeling of their tongue rubbing together moaning at the small pleasure. yoongi groaned deepening the kiss, he licked the youngers lips loving how plump and kissable they were, he felt jimin roll his hips onto his crotch making a deep moan escape his lips, jimin swallowing the sweet sound as their kiss continued to deepen.

the older carried on holding the boys hips so the friction would increase, he felt restricted in his skinny jeans but the addictive taste of jimins lips kept his mind focused. jimin moaned trying to pull back, the moan was like music to yoongi's ears; he had to hear it again. he moved his head more to the side getting a better angle of the inside of jimin's mouth, another needy moan leaving his lips.

"can't breathe!" jimin gasped, pushing yoongi by the shoulders breaking the steamy kiss. he panted trying to catch his breath, jimin was new to this type of kissing, he had only experienced quick pecks on the cheek and lips.

" legs feel tingly" jimin whimpered, looking down at their crotches which were continuing to rub against each other, jimin began to squirm making yoongi bite his lip to stop a groan from leaving his mouth.

"it's okay baby, it just means you feel good" yoongi cooed as he placed one hand on the youngers flushed face, caressing his cheek gently. yoongi let his swollen lips find their way onto jimin's sensitive neck, the older sucked and bit on the boys flushed skin leaving a purple mark just underneath his jawline. he then left kitten licks on the fresh mark making jimin whimpered in the tallers lap.

"stop it, it's sensitive there!" jimin groaned hiding his red face in the crook of yoongi's neck.

"i've marked you now" yoongi said cutely feeling proud of the possessive mark he had left on the flushed boy.

the younger wined, shaking his head on yoongi's milky skin, yoongi held in a chuckle as the boys soft hair tickled his skin.

"do you want to continue?" yoongi shyly asked, looking away from the boy, a bright hue spreading throughout his cheeks.

"do you?" jimin asked not knowing how to answer.

"well...kinda" he said awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "but don't think you have to do it!"

"okay... yes please" jimin replied his flush still present on his tiny face.

yoongi smirked placing a soft kiss on jimin's burning forehead before picking him up and placing his in the centre of his bed. yoongi flushed as he let his hands creep under jimin's loose shirt, he began feeling the boys abdominal area caressing the toned skin softly.

yoongi's hand slowly made their way higher pinching the boys sensitive spots between his thumb and forefinger making jimin squirm and whimper underneath the older male. he peppered hot kisses all over his abdomen making jimin fidget and rub his thighs together which yoongi soon parted again he then placed both hands on the hem of jimin's skinny jeans.

"yoongi..." jimin whined looking up at the older with wide eyes complemented with a bright blush.

"what baby?" yoongi replied softly bringing one hand to jimin's face again.

"i-i don't wanna anymore" jimin whimpered tears visible in his eyes.

the whole atmosphere changed making yoongi quickly get off of the younger, jimin sat up looking over at his hyung scared he may be upset or mad with him. but the older couldn't look at jimin he was too flushed and embarrassed –he felt as if he had done something wrong and was petrified at the thought of hurting jimin again.

they sat next to each other on the large bed an uncomfortable silence appearing in the air.

"are you mad now?!" jimin exclaimed scooting closer to the older.

"no i'm not mad" yoongi sighed covering his cheeks with his large hands.

"i got scared! i'm sorry!" jimin cried tears suddenly forming in his eyes - he didn't like making people mad.

"don't cry jiminie, its fine i can wait" yoongi chuckled wrapping his arms around the youngers waist letting him hide his face in the crook of his neck. yoongi could tell jimin was a virgin, it was pretty obvious.

jimin rubbed his eyes with his fists, looking up at yoongi who was staring back down at him with his dark brown orbs which had the largest affect on him. jimin rubbed his thighs together trying to stop the tingling sensation down below. yoongi noticed and began caressing the youngers thick thighs.

"stop! i'm trying to get rid of it!" jimin squeaked the familiar sensation coming back.

"well you'll have no luck doing that" yoongi giggled kissing the boy on the cheek.

a faint knock was heard at the door, the two quickly pulled away from each other sitting opposite ends of the bed, pulling out their phones trying to act casual.

"ah jimin~ i wondered if you two wanted any left over dessert" mrs park smiled placing a silver tray on his desk. "and crack a window its clammy in here!"

"will do" jimin replied pretending to text someone.

mrs park just came up with desserts because it was her only excuse to check up on the two, and everything seemed to be fine in her eyes; no touching or skin-ship.

but if only she knew.

"you want some?" jimin asked getting up to bring the tray to the bed.

"mhm" yoongi hummed playing some random game on his phone.

"i call dibs on the cheesecake!" jimin shouted picking the slim slice up and licking it.

"no i love cheesecake!" yoongi screamed trying to tackle the younger and take the dessert off him.

"its mine!" jimin growled trying to wriggle out of the olders grip. he then shoved the whole cake in his mouth sighing at the heavenly taste.

yoongi huffed and pulled the younger by the collar planting his lips onto jimin's swollen ones, licking the small amounts of frosting left on his plump lips before quickly placing his tongue inside jimin's sticky mouth getting a taste of the delicious cake. he then pulled away smirking smugly.

"you taste so sweet" yoongi smiled licking his lips seductively. jimin flushed throwing his face into one of his fluffy pillows to hide himself from the older.

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