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jimin bolted towards the mens bathrooms he stood in front of the long mirror which ran along the wall with multiple sinks. the small boy touched where the older had licked and slapped himself.

"you don't like him" jimin repeatedly told himself.

he twisted the taps and watched the spilling water hit the marble sink he then splashed the translucent liquid onto his glowing skin trying to cool his burning cheeks. he looked at himself in the mirror his hair was fluffy and his cheeks had finally cooled.

he mentally cursed and hesitantly exited the bathroom and scurried back over to where yoongi was sat.

"took you long enough" yoongi chuckled licking his lips.

jimin stayed quiet and looked down at his feet which he was kicking under the white table.

"you wanna leave?" yoongi asked standing up and pulling on his jacket.

"o-okay" jimin mumbled following yoongi out of the cafe.

yoongi looked back at jimin seeing that he was wondering slowly behind like a lost puppy, the older showed his gummy smile and ran up to the younger with arms spread wide yoongi collided with jimins small frame, his arms wrapping around the younger. jimin stood stiffly, not moving for a few moments.

"thank you jimin~" yoongi smiled letting go of the younger boy.

"its fine hyung" jimin replied walking next to the older.

yoongi looked at jimins baby-like hands and smiled to himself he then reached for it clasping their hands with fingers intertwined. he then whistled casually as jimin felt the familiar heat hit his cheeks. he looked around and saw a few faces studying the pair; some in disgust, some in awe.

"stop it hyung!" jimin cried yanking his hand away and holding it near is chest.

yoongi frowned but brushed it off.

"why don't you like holding my hand?!" yoongi said angrily.

"i don't want to be looked at, boys aren't supposed to hold hands" jimin admitted.

"fine!" yoongi hissed speeding up slightly.

jimin huffed getting annoying with yoongis repetitive tantrums when he didn't want to do something the older wanted.


when the smol pair got back to the house the front door was unlocked, they both entered quietly and took of their shoes.

yoongi sprinted to his bedroom and crashed onto his bed, jimin followed and sat next to the older.

"im gonna get some popcorn, wants some?" yoongi mumbled standing up.

"sure~" jimin beamed following the older to the kitchen.

yoongi put the packet in the microwave as jimin watched the timer count down.

"! beep!" jimin squealed opening the small door pulling out the bag.

jimin dropped the bag due to the heat and placed his finger in his mouth to stop the burn.

"you idiot" yoongi laughed pouring the popcorn into a big bowl.

yoongi walked over to the couch and sat down turning on the tv, jimin sat next to the older cross legged already eating the popcorn. the older put on a random channel that played some comedy show that wasn't that interesting.

"hyung...can i ask you something?" jimin said quietly taking a handful of popcorn.

"mmm?" yoongi hummed averting his gaze to jimin.

"how do you know you like boys?" jimin asked curiously popcorn stuffed in his cheeks.

"long story" yoongi said becoming shy.

"i can listen~" jimin smiled moving closer to the older.

"well...ive know every since i can remember. when i got to around ten i had a crush on this guy called hoseok who lived across from me i poured my feeling out to him but he said boys don't date boys and told my parents that i liked him..." yoongi stated playing with his hands not looking jimin in the eyes.

"go on" jimin said intrigued.

"so my mum went ballistic. kinda like your mum so she said im a boy and boys only like girls, i was upset because i really liked hoseok but he ended up ignoring me and we haven't spoken since...then when i was in high school, the thought i was gay used to keep me up at night but i kept convincing myself i was straight and forced myself to date girls, i mean id kiss them and stuff but i never felt anything" yoongi mumbled blushing.

"and then at sixteen me and my dad moved away because of my mum and dad not loving each other any more every since then my dad was never the same... i mean he tells me he loves me but he says i just remind him of my mum and i can tell he doesn't like that" yoongi frowned.

"does anyone else know?" jimin asked looking at yoongi with wide eyes.

"well i told you when i was a drunk mess and i kinda told my dad..." yoongi smiled feeling proud of himself.

"yay hyung!" jimin cheered clapping, his eyes turning into crescents.

yoongi smiled feeling happy for himself.

it soon got late and jimin had fallen asleep his light snores caught yoongis attention.

"jimin" yoongi mumbled poking the boys thigh.

jimin didn't move.

yoongi smiled and snuggled up to the boy, his chest resting against jimins back. yoongi then locked his arms around the boys slim waist and smiled in delight.

"goodnight jiminie~"

my heads a mess and this book is slowly dying, so sorry if this is shitty.

but thank you so much for 13k reads and 2k votes ♡♡♡ 

your comments make my day tbh (':

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