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mrs park strutted to her front door and quickly unlocked it, she hung her coat on the cloak rack and took off her shoes.

"jimin?!" she called out turning on the hallway lights.

mrs park made her way round the dark house and walked into the living room turning on the tall lamp near the arch way. she gasped when she saw the two.

yoongi had woken up earlier and changed their position during the night so he was now holding the younger. jimin was pressed against yoongi's chest and the older had his arms wrapped around him in a protective way.

mrs park studied the older boy wondering if this was the so called yoongi. her blood boiled in rage as she saw jimin move closer to the older in his sleep anger couldn't cover the emotions she was feeling, but overall she just felt disappointed in her son.

"jimin wake up" mrs park said keeping in her anger shaking the boys.

"yoongi" jimin mumbled slowly opening his eyes.

jimin looked at his surrounding and escaping the olders grip causing yoongi to quickly sit up and rub his eyes harshly. yoongi saw mrs park look him up and down she then looked at jimin, the two flushed bright red and avoided her gaze.

"i think you should head home, i need to speak to jimin" she hissed at yoongi but kept a kind face.

yoongi just nodded to scared and embarrassed to talk, he then picked up his beanie and jacket and speed walked over to the door closing it quietly. yoongi walked down the dark street, he looked up at the sky and sighed.

the moon was hidden behind thick clouds and small droplets of rain began to spill from above hitting the earth harshly. yoongi put on his beanie and quickly made his way home.

once he reached home he saw his father sat in the living room.

"dad?" yoongi called, scared the figure might be a stranger.

"yeah?" mr min replied.

yoongi walked into the living room sitting on the opposite couch, mr min noticed yoongi looked troubled and decided to speak up.

"something bothering you?" mr min asked putting a cigarette in his mouth.

"can i tell you something dad" yoongi sighed.

"go ahead" mr min asked blowing smoke into the air making sure it didn't go yoongis way.

"i think im in love with jimin" yoongi mumbled holding onto his knees scared.

"cute" mr min smiled putting out his cigarette.

"you're not mad?!" yoongi asked wide eyed.

"of course not its your life do what you want" mr min said bluntly.

yoongi smiled to himself, it felt like a weight had been lifted off his slim shoulder.


jimin kept his eyes on his lap to scared to face his mother. mrs park had throw all her anger on jimin earlier asking herself where she went wrong.

"jimin i thought you told me you didn't like boys any more!" mrs park hissed holding the bridge of her nose.

"i don't!" jimin cried finally looking at his mother.

"then why were you cuddled up on the couch with him" mrs park asked glaring at jimin.

"he has a name!" jimin stated folding his arms.

"answer my question" mrs park sighed.

"friends cuddle and kiss its normal" jimin lied glaring back.

"no they don't jimin... i thought i raised you properly and all you do is disappoint me" mrs park cried as a tear drops rolled down her cheeks.

"whatever" jimin huffed getting up and exiting the room.

jimin stormed up the stairs into his bedroom making sure to slam the door as hard as possible, he jumped onto his bed and snuggled under the covers hugging himself. jimin replayed all the moments in his head. he felt a terrible weight on his shoulders, it was as if a giant boulder was laid on him and he couldn't straighten up.

the small boy kept telling himself he didn't like boys but he knew he was lying to himself, his mother was right friends don't cuddle and kiss.

he knew he wasn't straight and the fact terrified him ever since he met yoongi he had been very sexually confused every time his feeling came crawling up he would always ignore them. jimin felt like he'd betrayed his mother and suddenly felt a single tear drop roll down his cheek, he pulled his hair letting tears spill from his eyes. the sudden deep pain in his heart was so bad he felt like his whole world had come crashing down on him.

the boys eyes were puffy from crying he was dehydrated, and sore. sobs shook his whole body, no one should be able to cry that hard. he hadn't even cried that hard when his dad passed away.

he didn't want to believe it but it was true. he was gay.

the butterflies he got when yoongi was around and how his brain went all stupid when the older would playfully flirt with him.

there was a giant hole in his heart and he knew nothing would ever be the same.

idk mrs park was so nice is my other story

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