twenty six

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"don't sleep yet, i'm not finished!" jimin shouted flicking the olders forehead.

the older slowly opened his eyes looking down at the younger, his lips were chapped and his hair was a mess but he some how still looked adorable.

yoongi hummed to let jimin know he had his full attention.

"even though i-i lo-like this boy..." jimin hiccuped, moving closer to yoongi if it was even possible. he then opened his eyes to see if yoongi was still listening.

"are you saying you're―"

"i'm saying what i'm saying now shush" jimin huffed getting up. yoongi followed jimin as he didn't trust the younger wondering around the house on his own.

" tummy hurts!" jimin whimpered, taking yoongi's big hand in his little one, placing it on his stomach. the older cringed but smiled rubbing the area.

"i'll get you some medicine" yoongi said dragging jimin into the kitchen. he pulled a chair from the dinning table and stood on it, yoongi then peered up on his tip toes to look at the high shelve; where his dad kept his expensive alcohol and tablets. yoongi picked up the box of paracetamols and got down, putting the chair back in its original place.

jimin sat on the counter humming a soft tune whilst swinging his legs - that didn't quite touch the floor - he watched yoongi fill a cup with water. the younger smiled at the older as he took the tablets and cup, swallowing the beverage.

"i think you should go to bed and sleep this off" yoongi said sternly, placing both hands on his hips making jimin burst into fits of laughter, pointing at yoongi's face whilst giggling. "who are you my mother?" he asked, clicking his tongue with a devilish smirk.

yoongi bent down so he was eye level with jimin before connecting their lips, he kissed jimin softly as if he would break with any sudden harsh touch. when he pulled away, jimin was playing with his short fingers timidly. "w-what was that for?!".

"to shut you up" yoongi replied whilst rolling his eyes. jimin kept his gaze on the floor, he felt small and embarrassed. yoongi walked back into the living room fluffing the pillows on the couch. he then took a huge blanket and wrapped it around himself, the boy waddled back over to jimin who was sat on the counter, staring at his feet.

yoongi faked coughed so the younger would look up at him, he gave jimin his famous gummy smile and opened the blanket, engulfing jimin into the material with him. yoongi shuffled back towards the couch, jimin trying to keep up or else he would trip over the long fabric. the two plopped themselves onto the couch, yoongi redoing the blanket around them so they had even amounts.

the pair sat in silence, with the blanket wrapped around each of them cosily. yoongi stared blankly at the tv screen that illuminated the dark room. jimin's eyes scanned between the tv and yoongi, he felt uneasy and nervous. "um, yoongi...?"

yoongi hummed pulling his eyes from the game show on the screen, giving jimin his full attention. the moment their eyes met jimin swore he died a little inside.

"i love you" jimin mumbled placing his sleeves near his lips.

"what?" yoongi asked not quite hearing the younger male. jimin squeaked wanting to back out now he had the chance. "never mind!" jimin laughed. yoongi smirked giving the younger a piercing glare.

"i heard you the first time idiot~" the older stuck his tongue out childishly at the flustered male.

"but i love you too" he added kissing jimin's forehead. yoongi's features softened as he felt his cheeks warm slightly.

he then moved closer to jimin wrapping the blanket tighter around them so there was no room left between them.

"so...will you be my boyfriend now?~" yoongi asked cutely, resting his head on jimin's cold shoulders. the younger male looked away from the older in hope of hiding his blush, nodding quickly.

yoongi's face lit up, he was elated. jimin looked in confusion when he saw yoongi giggling and staring at him wide eyed. "y-yoongi...?" jimin asked worriedly.

yoongi flashed jimin his gummy smile and wrapped his arms around the youngers neck, hiding his face in jimin chest smiling. he licked the younger collarbone innocently and laughed. "now we can do cute things like kiss and cuddle and hold hands, not like we didn't before, but now it will be better!"

"please stop talking!" jimin mumbled, finding yoongi's word embarrassing. "okay" yoongi replied kissing jimin's warm cheek and laying his head onto the smaller's shoulders, he then snaked his arms around jimin's small tummy huffing in delight.

"you wanna watch a movie?" yoongi asks looking up at jimin with wide eyes.

jimin hums, yoongi reaches out from the blanket to get the remote sat on the oak coffee table. he then flicks through and puts on a classic disney movie, jimin smiled when yoongi leaned closer to him, holding him closely.

"jimin...?" yoongi asked his voice cracking slightly. jimin looked up at the older with a curious look. "you won't leave me right?" yoongi mumbled shyly, grabbing one of jimin's tiny hands and kissing the back of it before looking the smaller in the eye.

jimin blushed and hid his face into yoongi's chest mumbling something. yoongi became sleepy from the warmth, yawing as he pulled the blanket snugly round them both as they turned their attention to the colourful screen.

yes i am a crappy author who is a lazy piece of shit becus she hasn't updated in yonks

but anyways blackpink slayed and made me question my sexuality (':

but anyways blackpink slayed and made me question my sexuality (':

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