twenty nine

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yoongi pulled his father's car out of the drive, the front lights flickering on, illuminating the road ahead.

"seatbelts~" yoongi smirked, pulling jimin's seatbelt over him before giving the latter a quick kiss on the cheek.

"where are we going?" jimin asked with wide eyes and a slight pout.

"i dont wanna go to a drive thru or something?" yoongi replied with a cool tone.

"i don't mind~" jimin giggled, opening the bag of crisps he'd stolen from yoongi's cupboards.

yoongi pursed his lips as he put the key in the car; looking around dumbfounded at all the gears and pedals.

" can drive right?" jimin shyly said, as he threw more crisps into his cheeks.


"what do you mean kinda?!" jimin exclaimed, sitting up right suddenly.

"babe, relax~" yoongi cooed, placing his hand on jimin's right thigh; caressing it lightly.

jimin felt his cheeks burn, he quickly turned, staring out of the car window; drastically shoving handfuls of crisps into his mouth.

"adorable~" yoongi mumbled under his breath. he'd suddenly remembered how to start up the car, slow pulling onto the road.

jimin watched in amazement as yoongi drove down the dimly lit road, yoongi felt jimin's gaze on him. he smirked cheekily, keeping his eyes on the road.

the smaller began babbling as he played with the radio stations in hope of finding a song he liked.

jimin was satisfied with the tune coming from the radio and began humming/singing along. yoongi just listened, glancing over at his boyfriend every now and again. wondering how he got so lucky.

yoongi turned a corner, and smoothly drove into a mcdonalds drive thru. jimin looked up at the yellow lit letter m with awe.

"yeah, could i get two cream egg mcflurries? thanks" yoongi spoke into the speaker with a bored tone.

jimin looked over at his boyfriend, clapping his hands cutely. once the speaker cut off yoongi drove to the next window. (it was nearly 23:00 and no one was really around).

yoongi payed and collected their food before parking in the lone, dim car park. he turned the car off whilst they ate.

jimin made grabby hands the minute the ice cream was taken out of the bag, yoongi smiled and handed jimin his share. the smaller took the plastic spoon and began to eat.

"ypu know, manners don't cost a thing" yoongi stated as he poked his spoon at the ice cream.

"oh!" jimin felt embarrassed, he put his mcflurry in one of the two cup holders.

he undid his seatbelt and moved himself onto yoongi's lap, it was a tight squeeze but he quickly got comfy, he then wrapped his exposed arms around the older's pale neck.

"thank you, yoongi~" jimin smiled. – he thanked god that yoongi couldn't see his red cheeks in the darkish car.

yoongi smirked and placed his large hands underneath jimin's plush butt. jimin didn't mind he just his eyes on yoongi; taking in every inch of his beauty in the sombre light.

"'re so pretty" jimin mumbled, his breathe warming yoongi's cool skin.

yoongi chuckled, he then crashed his pink lips onto jimin's plump ones, moving in a consonance way.

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