twenty three

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after the long ass dinner party, mrs park was having with her colleagues, everyone began to take leave including yoongi.

"bye bye~" jimin smiled standing in the door frame watching the older wave back cutely as he walked away. jimin closed the front door and made his way into the dinning room, deciding to help his mother clean up; even though she was cruel he did love her.

"i got the plates for you" jimin said walking into the connected kitchen placing the items into the deep sink, he then began to run some warm water and added washing-up liquid into the mixture.

mrs park stood putting away cutlery into a certain draw near the oven, she watched her son closely, making sure he wouldn't break anything. her kitchen items were expensive, and she would go ballistic if something happened to them.

jimin turned around and noticed his mum looking at him, her gaze focused on him. he tensed thinking she'd noticed something on him.

"so what did you and yoongi do while we were down here?" mrs park asked, curiosity in her tone, she then made her way next to jimin drying the soaked plates with a pink tea towel.

"stuffs" jimin said trying to stop the strong flush growing on his cheeks.

"what kind of stuffs?" she asked beginning to make a pile of the now clean plates.

"you know like play video games and stuffs" jimin was telling the truth but he just kept the kissing out of it, knowing she would go out and kill the older male.

"ah okay then, go put something comfy on i'll make you some tea" mrs park said softly.

jimin nodded and exited the kitchen, he then ran up the staircase and threw himself into his room, he frantically looked through his wardrobe and dresser, in hope of finding something to cover his marked neck. after look and throwing piles and piles of clothes onto the floor he found a giant hoodie which came to his mid-thigh and covered his arms.

he timidly exited his room and slowly went down the stairs to see his mother sat with a silver tray on the coffee table which had two hot drinks placed on it. jimin smiled, his mother was being rather nice for once, he trotted over to the couch across from the arm chair and sat down picking up his drink.

"i was scare you two would do something sinful" mrs park admitted taking a sip of her herbal tea.

"ahaha, i told you i didn't like him" jimin stated knowing the line was a lie, obviously he liked the boy but he just didn't want to admit it.

"thank heavens" she smiled sweetly it felt as if a weight had been lifted of her shoulders.

jimin just chuckled nervously as he took quick sips from his teacup, he fixed his gaze onto the tv which was playing some reality show yoongi and his dad liked, he then remembered about the mark and zipped his hoodie up so it covered his mouth of nose.

"jimin is there any need for that?" mrs park huffed.

"mhm" jimin hummed, his eyes still glued to the tv.

"oh really, then why are you wearing it?" mrs park asked looking at the boy with a piercing glare.

"why not?" jimin laughed awkwardly leaning his head against the couch arm.

"is it maybe the mark on your neck?!" mrs park shrieked throwing her cup onto the marble floor, her green coloured tea spilling onto the tile.

"what mark?" jimin cried, his mother looked ever so scary, he'd never seen her so infuriated.

"the mark on your neck, i saw it in the kitchen...who gave it you?" mrs park sighed putting her thumb and forefinger on the bridge of her nose.

"...a girl did!" jimin whimpered looking over at his mother.

"and what is this girls name?" mrs park hissed, getting up and standing in front of her cowering son.

"um...yoonmi" jimin said slowly looking around the house for inspiration.

"why do i know you're lying to me?" mrs park said looking down at her son.


"save the lies jimin! i know yoongi gave it to you" mrs park spat folding her arms and giving jimin the i'm-very-disappointed-in-you-look.

"he didn't―"

"tell me what happened!" mrs park shouted her voice echoing throughout the room.

"he left a mark on me... but its only a friendship mark! i promise!" jimin babbled his cheeks burning with embarrassment and shame.

"disgusting!" mrs park chuckled, looking out of the window as she clicked her tongue.

"its not disgusting!" jimin cried and sat up.

"i don't want you seeing yoongi anymore, no son of mine is going to be gay!"

"but i'm not, i promise!" jimin said with a shaky voice, tears clouding in the corners of his doe eyes.

and with that mrs park brought her hand to the boys face, leaving a vermilion shade on his soft cheeks. 

"...we're just friends nothing else" jimin mumbled silent tears pouring from his eyes as he held his swollen cheek.

"jimin! i'm so sorry!" she cried, immediately regretting her actions.

jimin whimpered and ran up the stairs, as fast as his little legs would go, he threw off his clothes -keeping his underwear on- and picked up the sweatshirt yoongi had lent him, getting under his thick bed sheets.

the boy hugged the piece of clothing as hard as he could, his knuckles turning white, the constant pump of emotions running round his body made him want to scream, he clenched both of his fists on the soft fabric inhaling yoongi's sweet scent as he let out quiet cries, his glossy tears wetting the comforting clothing.

he knew he liked the so called boy but he hated that he did, its wrong as he is repeatedly told by his mother, and he felt ashamed. he hugged the fabric even closer as the pain erupted from him like a volcano making his cheeks tear-stained.

his eyes leaked with pain but all he wanted was yoongi, to hold him and whisper sweet nothings into his ear as he cried.

but he couldn't as it was wrong.

sorry for not updating in a while i've been in a kinda dark mood... i'm confused with a lot of things and need some time to think

but tysm for 50k reads & 6k votes!

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