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"I texted you 20 minutes ago, what took you so long?" I felt my heart beat harder with his words. I don't know why. 

"O-oh, um, I was finishing my run back to my dorm." I mentally hit myself for stuttering. I sat down on my bed, taking my hair out of my ponytail.

"You run now? How cute." I blushed, then frowned. Why after three months, did he decide to talk to me?

"You left in May." I said, running my fingers through my hair. I wasn't going to let him distract me from what he did. I wasn't going to let him not talk about it.

"I did? It feels like last week, honestly." I crossed my legs, rolling my eyes.

"You kissed me, then left. You haven't responded to my texts since you left." Yoongi sighed.

"I know what I did. Don't remind me."

"Then why are you talking to me? If you're not gonna talk about it, then I'm going to hang up." maybe, just maybe, my threat would be enough to get him to talk about it.

"No! Fuck, N. I'm so sorry. I knew it was stupid of me to kiss you. I knew it was stupid of me to just leave and never text you back but, listen, I really really like you. Like a lot. And I've meant to text you, I really have, but I always chicken out and-"

"Why'd you kiss me?" that's all I wanted to know. I just wanted to know why he kissed me, then I could get this over with.

"I told you, because I like you." Yoongi said. I rolled my eyes.

"That's all? Something you couldn't do when you were here for a month?" I wasn't letting off the hook so quickly. 

I was changing as a person, and I didn't want to be as nice as I was before. 

"You're suddenly rude. What got into you?" I laid back on my bed, looking at the dorm ceiling.  

Maybe I was being a little harsh, but he deserved it. 

"Why, after three months, did you decide that I was important to you? Why couldn't it be right after you got off that goddamn plane? I fucking waited Yoongi, for so damn long." my voice cracked while I talked to him, but I didn't really care. 

"Nina... I'm so sorry," I heard Yoongi take in a deep breath before he started talking, "I shouldn't have kept reading your messages. I should've responded. I shouldn't have kissed you then left. It was completely wrong of me. I shouldn't have waited three months, or three weeks, or three days, or three seconds. I shouldn't have boarded that plane. I should've stayed with you. And I'm so fucking sorry." I stayed quiet for a second, not knowing what to say. 

"Did you move on?" why was I even asking him this? He probably already has. 

"Who could move on from someone like you?" Holy shit. 

"Nina? Who are you on the phone with? That Ji-guy? I thought you didn't like him." I sat up on my bed, looking at Eva, who had woke up. I rolled my eye's before laying back down. 

"Three fucking months, Yoongi. Three fucking months. And i'm not going to forgive you for it either." before I could let him respond, I hung up my phone, throwing it at the end of my bed. 

"Yoongi? He called you?" Eva sat up on her bed, looking at me. I rolled my eyes and put my arms behind my head. 

"Hardly. He texted and told me we needed to talk. I was stupid enough to call him. He didn't even really apologize, you know" I sat up and looked at Eva, "He just said 'I should've stayed. I shouldn't have waited three months.' I fucking hate men, I swear to god." I grabbed one of my pillows, hugging it. Eva got out of bed, stretching before grabbing my phone.

"Why don't you just tell him you have feelings for Jimin? Screw him over like how he screwed you over," she said, unlocking my phone and going through it, "Because, honestly, honey, Jimin seems more your type than Yoongi." I shrugged. 

"Opposites attract." I said, resting my chin on my pillow. 

"Don't you pay attention in psych? Likes attract more than opposites. Like dissolves like." she set my phone down, looking at me. 

"That last part is chemistry, stupid." I threw my pillow at her, giggling. 

"If you laugh, that means i made things better. Now go shower. You look like you stink." I just nodded, grabbing some clothes out of my dresser and walking to the bathroom connected to our dorm. Once I was in the shower, I started to thing. Were me and Yoongi complete opposites? We got along so well.

Maybe it was because Jimin did dancing too. Maybe it was because Jimin was my support through these past three months. 

I sighed and washed my hair. I didn't like Jimin. No where near it. I liked Yoongi. 

But I didn't fucking know what to do with my life anymore. 

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