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Jimin- you bitched out yoongi 

Jimin- i'm proud 

Jimin- i told him he fuckin deserves it too 

I rolled my eyes at Jimins texts, locking my phone and setting it beside me on my desk and continuing with my journalism homework. I hadn't talked to Jimin much in the past couple of days, mainly because of what Eva said. I've asked Ashley for advice too, and she said she'd help me with everything when she moved up next week.

I sighed, leaning back in my computer chair. Why is life so fucking hard? 

"Nina! Did you talk to Yoongi? Because.. He's texting me?" I sat up, looking at Eva, who was sitting at her desk on the other side of the room. 

"Nu uh." I pushed my chair away from my desk, grabbing Eva's phone when I got to hers. Sure enough, Yoongi did text her. And I don't know why, but the text made me mad. 

Unknown- Eva?? It's Yoongi 

Unknown- I know this sounds bad, but can you tell Nina I'm sorry...

I gave Eva back her phone before going back and went back to my desk. 

"How did he even get my number?" Eva asked. I shrugged, thinking. How could Yoongi get Eva's number? Jimin doesn't have Eva's. That's when it hit me. 

"Fucking," I mumbled, picking up my phone. I dialed Ashley's number and hit call. It rang for a few seconds before she answered, "What in the fuck have you been talking about with Yoongi, Ashley." 

"Well hello to you too," Ashley said, and I could almost hear her rolling her eyes, "And why do you want to know? Didn't you bitch him out, after he apologized?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Ashley! You said you wouldn't get into it. That means giving Yoongi Eva's phone number. Eva doesn't need to be in it, and neither do you, Ashley. It's my business, not yours, and not Eva's. Stay out of it." before should could respond, I hung up, throwing my phone onto my desk.

"Ashley gave it to him?" Eva asked. I nodded. 

"Because suddenly, my drama between me and Yoongi is Ashley's business. Their both pissing me off." I said, laying my head down on my desk. 

"Like I told you, screw over Yoongi like how he screwed over you, Nina. Watch Ashley try to get with Yoongi too, you never know. Like I said, fuck him over too. Use Jimin or something." I sighed. 

"I'm not that petty, Eva." I sat up and grabbed my phone, dialing the one's persons number I knew would give me answers. 

"Nina? I didn't think you'd call me back, especially after the other day.." Yoongi said. I rolled my eyes, before putting on the most sweetest voice I could do.  

"What have you and Ashley been talking about, Yoongi?" I asked, turning and looking at Eva. She looked at me, shocked. 

"O-oh! Um, hang on. I'll pull up the text messages," I smiled at Eva, sending her a thumbs up, "By any chance, did you talk to Eva?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Let's not talk about that now, okay?" 

"Wait," I groaned, "You've been talking to Jimin since I left?" 

"Who was I supposed to talk to? After a few days of you constantly reading my messages, I went to him and asked him what happened." the other side of the line went quiet, Yoongi not talking.

"I'm sorry.." I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. 

We were both quiet for a minute or two, neither of us saying anything. Eva was watching me, like he had hung up on me. 

"Nina? Did you hang up?" Yoongi said. I shook my head, but I knew he wouldn't be able to see. 

Was I really that stupid? Was I acting selfish? 

"I'm sorry too, Yoongi." and I hung up. 


something i'd like to clear up 

while Eva tells Nina to 'screw over yoongi' and 'use jimin as her plan' Nina will not do any of that 

Nina is an inconsiderable asshat who plays w people feelings (unlike my ex lol someone stop me) 

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