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Seeing Eva's and Ashley's smiling faces brought up my mood, a lot. 

"I miss you guys!" I said, smiling into the camera. Someone had shut off the part lights and turned on the normal lights. 

"Did you get a haircut again?" Ashley asked, leaning in closer to the camera. I nodded. 

"You didn't see in all of those pictures? Or did you ever look? You're a bad friend, Ashley." Eva said, shaking her head. 

"Who's that?" a voice said behind me. Someone rested their chin on my shoulder, and I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Hansol. 

"My friends from America," I looked at the girls, who's eyes were wide, "Girls, this is Hansol. Hansol, the blond one is Eva and the brown haired one is Ashley." I felt Hansol nod before he moved away. 

"They're pretty," He said before moving over to Johnny, whispering something in his ear. 

"I want to marry him," Eva said, and Ashey hit her. 

"What if Nina likes him?" I made a gagging noise. 

"Never. He acts like he's three." I said, pushing my hair behind my ears. 

"Yeah but you liked Yoongi. The dots aren't connecting." Eva said, hitting Ashley back. 

"I'll end this call so fucking fast I swear to god." Ashley rolled her eyes. 

"Are you hanging out with anyone else? Or just pretty boy?" she said, putting her chin on top of Eva's shoulder.

"No. I'll show you all of them, hang on," I switched the camera around so it was facing everyone else, "The one next to Hansol is Johnny, he's from America. The one all on his own in Ten, but that's not his real name. The one that looks like the baby with the other boy and girls is Mark, he's Canadain. The other boy is Jaehyun, I hate him. The African American is Lucy and the other girl is Monie. We're having a party." 

"That seems like a weak ass party," Eva said. Of course, she would. She knows what parties are.

"They just put it together real quick to cheer me up," I said, switching the camera back. 

"Why do they want to cheer you up?" Ashley asked, looking confused. I didn't know if I was ready to tell them yet. It was something I hadn't really come to terms with at all. 

"I'll tell you guys later. But I'm gonna go, okay? I'll text you both later," they both nodded, "Love you guys!" they said I love you and bye before hanging up. I sighed, setting my phone down. 

"They seem rude," Mark said, turning the music back on. I shrugged. 

"They're kind, gentle people. We just act rude to each other. We're like family, I guess. We're really close." Mark nodded. 

"I guess I get it." 


"I'm tired," I said, leaning my head on Hansol's shoulder. I didn't know what time it was, all I knew was that it was late, and I felt like I was about pass out. 

"Go to sleep. I won't mind." Hansol said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I thought about it for a second, before mentally saying fuck it and closing my eyes. 

I don't know why, but that was the best night sleep I've ever gotten in a while. 


this is a whack chapter im sorry for everyone that was looking forward to it :(( 

i'm gonna be updating a lot soon bc i'm so behind on where i want to be so look out 

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