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Yoongi- whats your brothers name i never even knew he existed 

Nina- his name is Micheal. hes my twin 

Yoongi- did your mom purposely spell it wrong 

Nina- nah shes just never gotten around to changing it 

Yoongi- well does he get made fun of? 

Nina- nah they just think it's unique. he was almost named alexis tho bc we thought my mom was gonna have 2 girls 

Nina- i was gonna be paige or somethin 


Yoongi-  ,fuck,,,


"He called you the love of his life?" Jaehyun asked, scrolling through the text messages between Yoongi and me. 

"Oh, yeah. I'm not shocked so don't mind it." I said, throwing a toy for Olive to play with. 

"Used to it? Oh boy, oh boy," he said, shaking his head, handing my phone back to me, "If I was you, I'd back out so fast. He flirts with you a lot but still hasn't made a move. Pft. boys," 

"You are a boy," Sicheng said, grabbing the toy Olive had in her mouth. I laughed. 

"Shut up. Because I am one it just means I know them more,

"No, you don't. You don't know anything about boys," Yuta said, "If you did, you would get along with Sicheng more." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth, looking at Yuta. 

"Don't be so rude. He's your band members," I paused, thinking for a second, "Never mind. How in the hell do you not understand guys?" Jaehyun whined. 

"I understand guys! They don't!" He said, slapping his hand on the couch cushion. I laighed, Sicheng and Yuta joining in also. 

"You're acting like a girl. Or you're two." Sicheng said after we finished laughing. I giggled some more. 

"I'm leaving. I hate all of you," Jaehyun said before standing up, walking to the door, "I'm serious." 

"Bye! Have a safe trip home!" I said, waving at him. He groaned, opening the door with his shoes in hands before leaving. I looked back at Yuta and Sicheng, who couldn't stop smiling. 

"He most definitely acts like a girl."


"So Yoongi called you the love of his life, huh?" Lucy asked while we streached. I nodded. 

"Yeah, and Jaehyun got all weird and stormed out," I said. 

"Jaehyun did what?" A voice said. I turned my head, seeing Hansol walk into the practice room. 

"Got all defensive when a guy said I was the love of his life. It lead to everyone saying he didn't understand men and he got upset and left," I stood up, doing my arm stretches, "It was funny but weird, you know?"Hansol looked confused for a second but nodded slowly. 

"Who was the guy? And who said Jaehyun didn't understand men?" He asked. 

"Sicheng and Yuta said he doesn't understand men," Lucy said, grabbing her phone, "When is everyone else going to get here?" I looked at Hansol. Did Lucy purposely avoid his question or wanted me to answer? 

"It was a guy who's been flirting with me for a while. No big deal," I said, smiling. He nodded before starting his stretches. 

I looked at Lucy. She gave me a weird look, which made me realize I probably shouldn't have said anything about Yoongi. 

Everyone else showed up about 5 minutes later, and we got practicing 10 minutes after that. 

It felt awkward having Hansol as my dance partner. Probably because he was acting weird. When practice ended he was the first to leave. 

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked Lucy as we walked out of the building. 

"I think Hansol has feelings for you, so thats why I didn't say anything in the first place." she said, swinging her car keys around her finger. 

"That's weird," why would Hansol have feelings for me? 

"Pft. That's what I said." 


hi hello i would like to say that this fic isn't promoting people becoming female idol trainees!! its not this perfect or easy i'm just,,,,, imagining it. female idols in the kpop world r treated like shit and forced to do stuff pls dont think its this easy!! 

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