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"Can I date someone?" I asked, turning and looking at Lucy. 

"If you beg on your knees, maybe. If you want to be public, though," she said, looking at me. I thought for a second before standing up. 

"Alright. Where do I go?" She sighed, grabbing my hand. 

"What do you plan on doing?" 

"Begging to date Yoongi then ask him out? What do you think I'm doing?" 

"Sit down, stupid. You're not going to," she pulled me down next to her, "It'll take forever to get a yes from him." I frowned. 


"Just do it in secret. Once you get caught, that's when you beg on your knees. I speak from experience." 


Nina- lets hang out

Yoongi- can't i'm busy 

Nina- oh.... what are you doing?? 

Yoongi-  blind date with Jimin i guess. 

Nina- cool...

Nina-  wait no not cool 

Nina- ditch Jimin you're not single anymore 

Nina- i wanted to do this in person but FUCK IT 

Nina- i wanna date you. i dont want you to go on a blind date. i want you to be here, with me. or anywhere, as long as its with me. this sounds so DUMB but i fucking like you so much Yoongi that it physically hurts me

Nina- please say yes 


"He hasn't texted me back, Lucy," I said. Lucy looked up at me. 

"Is he busy?" she asked. 

"I asked him to date me. It's been 20 minutes. He read everything." she sighed. 

"Why did you ask over text?" 

"Because he was about to go on a blind date with someone! I couldn't lose my chance that fast!" I threw my phone on my bag, laying down. 

"Just wait. Maybe he got busy and doesn't have time to reply to them. Let's just practice." I sighed, standing up. Maybe Lucy was right. 

We practiced until 8, having to stop since we had to do something early in the morning and we didn't want to look tired. I sighed in relief as I grabbed my bag, putting my phone in it before leaving the practice room. 

"Do you wanna come over?" Lucy asked, catching up with me. 

I shrugged, "I think I want to be alone for now." 

"You can't be that upset about it." She said, stopping me. 

"Have you ever got rejected?" 

"Well..... Yes. But that's only because he was following the dating rule he had," I sighed, "But look! I'm with him now. Did you even check your phone?" 

"I don't want to." 

"Then let me. Maybe he said yes." I handed her my phone, letting her check. She stood there for a second, fingers typing something before she handed it back. 

"There. Go back to the dorms. I don't want your pouty mood ruining our vibe." I rolled my eyes before walking past her. I looked at my phone. It still left off at the last message I sent. 

I turned around. 

"Did you delete stuff?" 

"Yup! Go home!" I went to yell at her, but she was gone. I sighed, turning to walk away. 

"Nina! Want to hang out?"I looked up, seeing Hansol coming towards me. 

"Sorry dude. I gotta go home," I tried to move around him, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me. 

"I can come with you? I'm just bored, and Kun is with Sicheng and Ten is sleeping. I'm not trying to force it but...

"Not tonight Hansol. I'm sorry," I moved my arm away, "I need to get home and sleep. I guess we're doing something tomorrow." he nodded slowly. 

"Okay... I'll see you later, I guess." I waved bye to him as I walked away, internally sighing in relief. 

I had figured out who the other 15% of my heart had belonged to, and it wasn't Hansol.

I was glad about that. 

When I got to the dorms I only turned on the lamp in the living room. I didn't plan on staying up long anyway. I was tried and sad, and I loved to sleep when I was both of those things. 

"Oh Olive, never date a boy." I said, petting the top of Olives head as I walked into the kitchen, getting her some food. 

I put my bag on the kitchen table and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I probably should've ate something, but I didn't want to. 

I waited for Olive to finish her food before I picked her up, taking her to my room so we could sleep. I sighed when I heard a knock on the door, and was glad Olive was too tired to bark at it. 

I set her on my bed before walking back into the living room, taking my hair out of the small ponytail I had it in. I kicked all of my shoes to the side before opening the door. 

"I skipped out on the double date but you never texted me back. I got worried. Lucy texted me and told me to come here," Yoongi stood there, flowers in his hand, "Also I didn't know if you liked flowers, so I still bought some." 

I felt my heart do something weird. Like when I met a famous person when I was in college, but I didn't remember who. 

I didn't know what to do. 

So I just kissed him. 



so here it is 

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