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I was shocked when Yoongi kissed me back. 

And I was shocked when he pushed me against the wall by the door. 

Also, bouquets make making out really uncomfortable. 

But could  I really focus on the fact that I had a ton of flowers squished between us? Nope. 

Because I was doing something I've been wanting to do for a long time. 

"Wait," Yoongi said, pulling away, "I ruined the flowers." 

"That's what you care about right now?" I looked at him, "Have your eyes always been this pretty?" 

"They're the same color as yours. You said you hate your eye color," he said, backing away. I whined, "Shut up. These flowers are uncomfortable." 

He was the first to kiss me this time, and it was better than the first time. I think it was because of the flowers. 

I felt safe when Yoongi kissed me. Like I was being held by god and my sins were being washed away. 

Or something. I'm not religious. 

"What did Lucy text you off of my phone?" We weren't kissing now, even though I wanted to. 

"Just her number and told me to text her. She deleted her messages, didn't she? And mine also?" I nodded. 

"I didn't even get to see what you said." He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to him. 

"Here," He handed me his phone, "I didn't delete mine." 

"I don't want to see them, but," I pressed the home button, taking me to his home screen, "Can I go through your pictures? No nudes or anything, right?" 

"That's gross. I have no one to send them to, anyway," I looked up at him, "What?" 

"Good. Nudes are gross." I looked back at his phone, pressing the camera roll button. He didn't have a lot of pictures, just the typical camera roll filled with about 100 pictures. But there was another folder, labeled with my name.


"There's over 300 pictures in here! How do you get so much?" 

"Most are from when I went to America-" 

"Have you liked me for that long?" 

"I kissed you when I left dumb ass. Of course, I have." I shook my head, opening the folder. I scrolled all the way to the top, realizing he wasn't joking. There were pictures from months ago in here. The first one was a picture of me at the airport, waiting for him. There were pictures from our day on the beach, and pictures of me driving. The very last picture was from when we hung out at Cold Stone. 

"This is so cute. I need to start doing this with you." 

"You mean you don't know?" 


I'm pretty sure it was late when Yoongi left. I had fallen asleep talking to him on the couch and when I woke up I was in the right bed and covered up. 

It felt nice. 

Until I had Lucy, Hyuna, Jara, and Monie dragging me out of bed. 

"Come help us unpack!" Hyuna said, giving me the puppy dog eyes she normally does when she wants something. 

"Why unpack?" I was extremely tired, and I couldn't stop rubbing my eyes. 

"We moved in. For the time being. Until our comeback stuff is over." Monie said. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth, nodding. I forgot this wasn't just my apartment, and that I technically was supposed to share it with 4 other girls. 

"You packed it yourself. Why don't you unpack it yourself?" I felt someone hit my head. 

"Don't be rude. I want your help." I looked at Hyuna. She gave me a look, and  I didn't know if it was because she was mad of if she wanted to talk. 

Eventually, I caved in and helped Hyuna. Mainly because I wanted to know why she gave me that weird look. 

"I heard about you and Yoongi from Lucy," Hyuna said as we folded her clothes. She was rooming with Lucy, and Monie and Jara were in a different room together. I got to sleep by myself. 

"Oh, well, what all did she tell you?

"That you confessed and asked him out over text," she gave me a look, "Which is weird, but whatever. She said he was also supposed to come over last night. Did he?" I nodded. Suddenly, Hyuna was pulling at the collar of my shirt. 

"Did you guys do anything dirty?

"Knock it off! Of course, we didn't!" I tried to push her away. 

"Nina had a boy over here last night!

Everyone was in the room as soon as she said it. I regretted telling her that. 

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