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// one week later //

I woke up to the smell of coffee. And a dog licking at my feet, another one licking at my face.

I groaned, opening my eyes.

"Jesus Christ," I mumbled, realizing I had came face to face with one of Lucy's dogs butts, "Move it," I pushed at her side, successfully getting her to move out of my face, but to only lay on me. I sighed and looked down, noticing Lucy's smallest dog walking up to me. Her name was Olive, and I didn't know what kind of dog she was, but she was mixed with a poodle, and the most adorable fucking dog I've seen in my life.

"Alright guys, time to get up." I patted the dog on my lap, which i had realized was one of Lucy's corgi's, Lynn. I just wondered where Hyo-joo was, since she followed Lynn around everywhere.

I got out of bed once both dogs were off of me and my bed, shivering once my feet touched the cold hardwood. I changed into longer pants and put on my slippers, leaving my bedroom with Lynn and Olive following. I went into the kitchen, spotting Lucy standing over the stove, cooking breakfast.

"You're up! I'm making something new today, if you don't mind. Chanyeol never came home last night, so I think practice and recording has been hard on him, and this is his favorite food," Lucy said when she heard my footsteps. I nodded, even though she did't see me, "He should be home soon? If he stayed at the dorms he probably got up at like 7:30. It's only half past 8 now." I looked up at the clock on the wall, noticing how early I got up. I can't blame myself though, I passed out at about 8 last night.

"Is it really that early? Wild," I said, causing Lucy to giggle. I walked over to her Keurig she had, "By the way, Hyo-joo wasn't in my room with the other dogs. Is she okay? She's normally always with them." I got out a coffee cup, putting sugar in the bottom before sticking it under the filter, putting in a k-cup and turning it on.

"She was out here. Since she's Chanyeol's favorite and Chanyeol is her favorite, they both like this. She was waiting for me to give her some, but I told the little chubby no." I laughed, nodding. Hyo-joo was pretty chubby, due to Chanyeol always feeding her food she shouldn't have.

"Stop talking bad about my lil baby." I jumped, turning around to see Chanyeol standing in the door way, Hyo-joo in his arms.

"Jesus Christ! Don't do that!" I whined, putting my hand on my chest, feeling how fast my heart was beating.

"What? Did I scare you?" Chanyeol asked, smiling a little bit, "How did you guys sleep?" I grabbed my cup of coffee, moving around Chanyeol to sit on the island.

"Nina passed out at like fucking 8. I think Kasper worked her too hard. At least she has enough sleep to not look puffy for today." Lucy said. I poured some creamer into my coffee, looking at her.

"What do you mean, not look puffy for today? Am I forgetting something?" I asked. Lucy set a plate in front of me, and I didn't bother asking what it was before taking a bite.

"I told you last night, you have a photo shoot today," she said, sitting across from me, "But don't worry, it's not like it's just you. The other girls you met are gonna be there too." I nodded, eating more of my food.

"Oh yeah, Chanyeol, how was recording?" I asked, looking at him. He had just recently had his comeback, and was hardcore lacking in some sleep.

"Good good," he said, a cup of coffee in his hands, Hyo-joo now at his feet, "Yixing touched my dick though."

"Did he squeeze it?" Lucy asked, taking a sip of her coffee. I choked, covering my mouth with my hand to make sure none of the coffee I just taken a drink of came out. They both looked at me, confused.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked. I nodded, swallowing the coffee I had in my mouth.

"Mhm. Good. Great," I took another bite of my food, giggling, "But did he squeeze?" Me and Lucy giggled while Chanyeol groaned, glaring at us.

"You're both disgusting," he said, "But yes, he did. But it was an accident. A c c i d e n t." He left the kitchen, leaving me and Lucy to laugh.

"You should go get ready, we have to leave in a bit." I nodded, pushing my empty plate back and standing up, grabbing my coffee, going to my bedroom. I set my cup on the nightstand, grabbing my phone off the charger. I had a few text, one for Ashley, asking for updates daily, and one from Jimin, asking when we could hang out. I was surprised by how many I had from Yoongi. He had rarely texted me since I got here, and when he did, they'd be one worded, and my conversation would end quick.

Yoongi- i dont know, it's like fucking one am and i miss you so much.

Yoongi- this is so fucking ugly and stupid but i miss how much we talked. how close we were.

Yoongi- and i know you're probably busy so you can't really try to talk a lot but i can and i'm not fucking doing it and it's pissing me off so much.

Yoongi- ignore all these their so ugly i'm so sorry i'm going to bed now.

I read his messages again before typing out a response.

Nina- I probably can't talk a lot today since I have a photo shoot, but we should try and meet up sometime. Just let me know when it's okay with you.

I set my phone down before changing. I put on casual clothes before grabbing my cup and phone, leaving the room. Lucy sat on the couch with Olive in her lap, playing with her.

"He texted me." I said, sitting down next to her. She looked at me.

"Let me see," She asked, holding her hand out for my phone. I handed it to her, grabbing Olive in the process, "This boy, I swear. If you do meet up with him, I'm going, so I can personally call him out," I smiled before nodding, playing with Olive.

I didn't know if I wanted her to call Yoongi out. It could make everything worse. I didn't want to ruin what me and Yoongi had. What little friendship I held on to.

"Okay, well, lets get going. We need to get there. Today is gonna be a long day."


this is so ugly rip me

i'll try to update more but schools started so

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