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"Here. If keeps going off." Jaehyun said, handing me my phone. I looked at it, seeing I had multipule texts. All from Yoongi.

yoongi- photo shoot? let me know when the pictures drop

yoongi- wait that sounds bad f u c k

yoongi- i meant i just wanna see what you're gonna look like

yoongi- i already know what you look like FUCK ME

yoongi- i meant, these aren't teaser pictures, are they? their just introdoucing you to sm, right?

yoongi- wait no.... nvm i just now found those. btw you look cute

yoongi- then what is this photo shoot for? are you gonna be in a magazine?

yoongi- if so, i'll buy 20


yoongi- you're probably busy i should stop

yoongi- ok bye i love u u ugly xx

yoongi- WAIT FUCK

That's where the text stopped.

I checked when the last text was sent. 20 minutes ago. I went to go respond, but I was stopped. 

"Nina, they want you to do a group photo with the girls." Jaehyun said. I nodded and handed him my phone. I walked out with my rest of the girls, my head in another world. Did he mean, love love me? Or friendly love? He never responded, so what if he meant more than friendly? 

After we had went through a group photo and an outfit change, we were done. After we had looked through all of the pictures, picked out our favorite and changed, Jaehyun offered to take us out to eat, Hyemi and I being the only ones to agree. I guess the other girls needed to practice more, which I really should be doing, but it's something I probably wouldn't be able to pay attention to. I was too distracted by Yoongi's text. I was too scared to text him back and ask him what he meant. Was it fear of rejection? Probably. I'd be stupid to let myself get rejected by the same man twice. If that's even what were calling it. 

By the time we got to the resteruant, I had sort of composed myself. I wasn't spacing out as much, at least. We got seated pretty quickly, and I felt myslef get better by the time I got food into my system. 

"Wait, Nina, do you speak any other language besides English?" Jaehyun asked, looking at me. 

"Spanish, but that's about it. Besides what you've tought me so far." I said, taking another bite of the food. 

"You speak Spanish?" Hyemi asked. I nooded. 

"Si, señorita," I said, causing her to giggle, "I minored in it in college." We contuined to eat until Jaehyun nudged me. 

"This sounds super fucking creepy but, that dude over there is straight up staring at you like they wants to eat you whole," I looked up, following his gaze to see that he was right. I couldn't tell who it was though, a face mask covering their mouth and nose. 

"If you want, I can pretend that I'm your boyfriend or something to get him to stop looking," that's when I realized they were male, the facial features that I could see displaying it. And it creeped me the hell out. 

"Is that gonna work?" I asked, looking at Jaehyun. Hyemi watched us in confusion, asking Jaehyun something that I didn't understand, and Jaehyun responding back. 

"It might, all we can do is try, right?" he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head. It made me feel ever more uncomfortabe, to say atleast, "If all else fails, I can just go bitch him out." Not too long after, the male looked away, causing me to sigh in relief. Jaehyun moved away from me, mumbling about how I didn't like him. 

After we had finished eating we left, Jaehyun telling me and Hyemi we needed to go work out rather than go taking a nap due to all the food we had both ate. On the ride back to the company, me and Hyemi sat in the back, her head on my shoulder, trying to get as much sleep as she could before we has to go through a tourtous 5 hour work out. 

My phone buzzed in my pocket, causing me to jump a little. I checked to make sure I didn't wake Hyemi before I pulled it out, seeing I has a text. I checked it, shocked to see it was for Yoongi. 

yoongi- gotcha a new boyfriend, huh? 



i had an early release today and test to study so i thought,,,,,, why not

i want u all to know i fucking love Winwin. Dong Sicheng is the light of my life i love my awkward baby 

comment ur twitter and instagrams so i can follow u and y'all can see low quality me 

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