Chapter1: New Country, New Start

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Death. Funny thing isn't it? Well I guess it's sad to most people, I've always wonder why it's sad. I mean there dead what's the big deal, why should you be sad. I wasn't sad when my parents died. Then again they were never that nice to me, but my brother seemed to hate me when I  didn't cry. He called me a heartless monster. Maybe I am a monster. Well anywho I should get to what's going on right now, my brother kicked me out so I decided to move away. I could've  just moved to a different state or something but I wanted a completely new start, so here I am in Scotland. So far from what I've seen it's absolutely beautiful here. I bought a nice little cottage outside of town, it's probably better if a monster is away from people.

       I look up from my tv and see that it's 2pm, great it's Christmas Eve. I don't even know if Scottish people celebrate Christmas, maybe I can go to a local pub and get drunk off my ass. I really need it. Life's been hell recently and I could for for a few drinks. And by few I mean a few bottles. I decided to look a little decent and  put on (favorite/outfit), I slightly put on some makeup and check the clock. 4pm, eh it's close enough. I grab my keys and drive to the local pub taking in the grasses green hills as I drive, I'm glad I picked somewhere so beautiful. I arrive and walk into the bar to see quite a bit of people here, my only guess is it's going to get busier as the night goes on.

"What can I get for ya young lass?" The bartender asked as I take a seat on one of the bar stools.

"The strongest thing you have please." I ask looking down trying not to look ashamed

"Oi you're American, well to me country. And are ya sure ye can handle it lassy?" The bartender asked nicely, I looked up at him and he handle a gently smile and nice features. Brown hair, freckles, and green eyes, and such a nice smile.

"Yes I'm sure." I reply with a slight chuckle

"Alright thee strongest Russian vodka coming up." He states as he walks off to probably go get me the drink. I take this time to look around the bar and see pretty much all men, great. A few guys catch my eye that are really attractive, especially this guy with bright red hair and green eyes. He is smoking a cigarette and smiling brightly, he seems really nice although he has a uniform looking think on. It's blue with like a white x straps... Wait it kinda looks like the Scottish flag, cool.

"Here ya go." The bartender said breaking me from my thoughts as he handed me a shot of vodka

"You can just leave the bottle." I say smiling at him slightly, he has a worried smile as he sets the bottle down next to me. There's some perks to have two alcoholic parents, one you have an a really high tolerance even if your super tiny like me, and second you don't get a hang over the next day. I take a shot quickly and pour another one, this is going to be a long night.

    After I'm half way down the bottle a guy sits next to me, I look over and it's the red headed guy with the cool uniform.

"Hello there lassy, you sure can hold Ye alcohol." He said in a slight cherry tone with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth, I look over at him smile

"I haven't even started." I stopped pouring the glass awhile ago so I took another swig, I loved the burning the drink left in my throat. I looked back at the man and he looked worried, "the names (y/n)." I say breaking the silence

"I'm Allistor." He said smiling holding out his hand, I shake his hand and he has a nice grip, "what brings a fancy lassy like you here."

I laugh a little, "I'm not fancy, and well it's technically Christmas." I say taking a chug this time, I can finally feel it working

"Ah yes that's what's Americans celebrate, is actually Hogmanay for us." He said taking looking at the almost empty bottle with the can-I-have-some look, I scoot it over to him and he take as chug. He sets the bottle down and Coughs,"How can ye handle that?"

I just kinda shrug and finish off the bottle, I take out my phone and see its 8pm. I should probably get home before I get anymore drunk, the more I drink the more I feel like crying, "hey I should probably go, it was nice talking to you."

"I enjoyed talking to ya," Allistor smiled, "but is ya sure Ye can drive home?"

"Yes" I reply I stood up and tripped on the stool and almost fell, Allistor looked at me like let-me-drive-you-home, "I just tripped, could a drunk person do this." I say walking to an open part of the bar and do a cartwheel. I look back him and he seem kinda impressed,"hey can I have your number?"

"Yes of course, I was wait'n for you to ask me." Allistor joked as I got his number. I smiled at him and left the bar, I walk over and found my car. Great the tears are coming aren't they. I sit in my seat and cry, I just let my tears flow. I've been holding them in to long, when my brother called me a monster and kicked me out it hurt a lot more than I let on. I hear a nick on my window as I jump a little by fright, I look up and see Allistor with s worried look on his face. I rolled down my window still tears rolling down my face.

"H-Hi." I say through tears, "I don't think I should drive.." I say trying to find anything to say, Allistor is just looking my with a sad expression. He opens the car door and grabs my hand, he pulls me out of the car quickly and a squeak lightly from surprise. The next thing I know I'm against his chest and he's hugging me, I haven't had a hug in a long time....
I snuggle into his chest as a few tears falling o to him, he just holds me tighter. It seems forever before  I finally let go off him and wipe my tears away, he looks at me with acceptance as hi brings his hand to my face and cups it lightly as he wipes the leftover tears away. I can't help but stare into his beautiful green eyes that seem to be glowing in the moonlight.

"I'll take Ye home." He whispered in such a nice voice and he picked me up bridal style

"Ya know I can walk." I say snuggling into his chest, I kinda don't mind honestly. He just chuckles slightly and holds me tighter, why is he so comfortable..... I mean I feel so sleepy....

~Allistor's pov~

   I carry (y/n) as she snuggles deeper into my chest, I promised myself I wouldn't get closer to a human again but there's something about her. She really needs someone, I can tell by the dullness in her eyes. And how can she drink so much, she like 5'3 how can she dink the entire bottle of our strongest liquor. I look down at her face and see he usually forced smile into a peaceful relaxed look. All the troubles she hid on her face was now gone as she lay asleep. He eyes were closed hiding her beautiful (e/c) eyes and her hair was falling perfectly. She snuggles closer to me and I couldn't help but smile at her. Wait. I never got to ask her where she lived,"shit"

   I arrive at my car and set her in the back seat and kinda buckle her in, I get into the drivers seat and decided to take her to my place. I mean what else can I do, I just hope she doesn't think I did anything to her. I start the car and drive carefully to my house, I pick her up and walk her into my house and go strait to my room, I hope my brothers don't say anything. I place her in my bed and decided not to change her cause that would look creepy, I pull the covers over her as she snuggles into the warm bed. I can't help it smile at this. I grab a pillow and an extra blanket and lay down on the ground.

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