Chapter 8: trip down memory lane

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~Allistor POV~

I can tell something is bothering (y/n), for the last few nights she wakes up in the middle of the night and leaves. I pretend to be asleep but I can tell each time she is crying. I've tried to talk to her about it but she just makes up little excuses like 'I had to go to the bathroom' or 'I was hungry', but I know something is bothering her. Sometimes I catch her with the saddest expression as if thinking about a bad memory. She needs to get out of this house, maybe I can take her to the bar we met at. That's romantic right?

"Oi, (y/n), get dressed!" I call out to her as I walk into the room that we've been sharing, "we're going out tonight lassy."

"Um alright, is there any reason that we are?" She asked rolling out of our bed and standing up yawning

"Not in particular, but it's almost 5 and Ye still in bed." I reply chuckling a little as she smiled slightly and laughs

"Good point, so how fancy do I have to dress?" She asked walking over to our now shared closet.

"Just casual it ain't anything fancy, just something to get out of this house." I reply walking up to her and snaking my arms around her waist from behind and kissing the top off her head, she giggles and it sounds like music to my ears. She places her hands on top of mine and we sway slightly.

"You know I love you." She says eyeing her close for something to wear

"I know lassy. And I love you too." I reply hugging her closer to me

"Hey why don't you pick me something to wear," she suggests turning around so she is facing me, my hands still resting on her hips.

"Are Ye sure Ye want me to do that?" I ask as she nods. I laugh a little and walk up to the close she has hanging, I also really like her in black and blue. I picked out black skinny jeans and looked through the shirts. I found this shirt that was the perfect shade of blue and had white letters saying 'I vote for vodka'. I also picked out a black Beenie to complete the outfit.

"Wow you actually have style Allistor, I'm impressed." (Y/n) said grabbing the close and getting dressed, I went to my side of the closet and picked out a simple outfit.

"Okay are Ye ready?" I ask turning around to see (y/n) in the outfit I picked out and she looked amazing.

"Yea, where are we going anyway?" She asked grabbing her phone and walking out of the time, I fallowed rift behind her

"It's a surprise lassy, just something to do to get out of the house." I reply as we reach the front door and head to the car. I open the passenger seat for her and run to the other side and hop in. I start the car and we head off to the bar. (Y/n) and I made slight conversation with a few jokes here and there as I pulled into the bar parking lot.

"Wait! This is where we first met!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily as she grabbed my arm and looked directly into my eyes and smiled.

"I knew you would like it." I reply smiling as we walked into the kinda crowded bar. (Y/n) face lit up as we took a seat at the bar but suddenly her facial expression dropped like she realized something horrible but quickly tried to hid it with a fake smile.

"What's wrong lassy?" I ask my voice full of concern

"Oh nothing, what if they don't have vodka?" She asked with a slight pout.

"Trust me they will, Oi! Bartender can I get a bottle of your strangest vodka." I call out to the bartender as he nods and grabs a bottle of vodka and hands it to me, I hand it to (y/n) as she takes the lid off and takes a giant chug.

"Aye I don't mean to intrude but are Ye sure she can handle that?" The bartender asked as (y/n) wiped some of the liquid off of her mouth

"Trust me Carl, I've never seen a women who can drink like her." The bartender from the night (y/n) and I met came walking out with a giant bucket of ice. (Y/n) took another swig before handing the bottle to me, I sighed and took a sip only to cough like I did last time.

"You still can't handle it?" (Y/n) joked, "bartender, can we get this man something a little less strong."

The bartender laughed a little and so did I, she looked at me with her checks dusted a light pink and smiled the brightest smile I've ever seen. I could feel a blush as she laughed a little which hearing the sound of her voice only made it worse. How did I ever get a girl like her? I mean not only is she a witch, but she's immortal. I'll be able to spend my whole life with her, and not worry about death separating us. And to think it all started out with me going to a bar and finding a girl who can hold her alcohol better than almost every guy. I looked at (y/n) as she finished the last of the vodka, and pouted slightly at the empty bottle.

"How about some beer lassy?" I ask as she smiles at me

"Sounds good!" I can tell the drink is getting to her, she's a lot more preppy and smiley. Plus she seams to be swaying slightly, with her head in the clouds. In slightly drunk but nothing to severe. The bartender hands us our beers as (y/n) chugges the whole thing in a matter of seconds, I just stare at her in amazement.

"H-how?" I ask taking a sip of my beer

"High school parties, I was a giant partier! I could out drink everyone there!....... But I guess I have my parents to thank for that. I can't believe I killed them, I mean how did I even cast a death spell like that?" (Y/n) rambled as some of her words were slightly slurred.

"(Y/n) we can't talk about your magic in public remember." I try to remind her as she looks at me with hurt.

"Are you ashamed of me? Do you not like me being a prodigy witch! You know I wake up every night crying having a nightmare that I've killed you because I can't control my magic! I wake up and practice and practice and practice making sure that never happens! ........ I love you to much Allistor, if I were to harm you I wouldn't be able to live.... And we still haven't even had sex yet! We should do that soon....... Yeah! Sex with Allistor......... Sounds nice..." (Y/n) rambled as I started to blush, I shouldn't be she just told me what has been happening with her nightmares. But having sex with (y/n) seems to good to be true, I need to focus on other things right now.

"Alright lassy, I think it's time to head home alright." I say taking her arm around me and hoisting her up and she stands up.

"What! Nuuuu...... Just one more beer.?" She pleaded

"No it's time to go." I said as she looked at me with confusion

"I can still do a cartwheel." She said with determination as she started to push away from me, I tried my best to hold on but she got free and went to an open part of the bar, and she did a cartwheel. And perfectly might I add, I walked up to clapping as she took a slight bow, "okay Allistor, I'm reading to go home." She said hugging me as I laughed slightly

"Okay lassy." I whispered to her as she hummed in response. We walked ou to the car and set her in her seat gently and buckled her in as I got in and drive back home.

~????? POV~

So there is a dark witch once again. And not only a dark witch, but a prodigy. This is good, guess I'll have to notify the DWH. Finally, it's been forever sense a real witch hunt.....

A/n: sorry for the short chapter..... But guess what now there is some actual drama going on and a real threat, sorry for the sucky name of DWH. I couldn't think of anything else XD. Well I'll update soon I promise

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