Chapter 9: Ride home

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A/n:.........I'm sorry. I'm taking forever to write this and I'm so sorry, not even sure if anyone cares but still. I've just got a job working at a cafe and that's taking a lot of my time. I'm thinking about doing a Lemon on this let me know if I should or not.......
~Allistor POV~

"Oh ma God......Scotland!! Wait can I call you Scotland? Or do you like Allistor better?" (Y/n) slurred slightly as she was practically hanging out of the car window. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly

"Scotland is to personal. Just call me Allistor, alright lassy." I replied gripping tighter to the steering wheel being extra careful to keep my eyes on the road.

"Alright, can I tell you a really secret, secret that Scotland can't know." (Y/n) giggled slightly sitting back into her car seat and running her fingers through her hair.

"Yes what is it?" I reply chuckling slightly

"You promise not to tell him?" (Y/n) questioned

"I promise"

"I....I love him................... Like more than I can ever put into words.... Like he's like the salt to my ocean, or the.... The umm.... You get the point......There is just one problem.............I'm terrified I'm going to end up hurting him......." (Y/n) said slurring every other word and slightly swaying in her seat with slight tears in her eyes, "....... It haunts my dreams...... Him suffering because I can't control my magic...... It terrifies me, maybe because it can happen."

What do I even say to that? I mean she probably won't even remember this and I really don't want to make her even more upset. And is what she saying true? Her dreams are filled of my getting tortured because of her magic? She needs to know that I'm stronger than she thinks and won't ever leave her side. Ever. So this is what has been bugging her.

"I really love him.......... I wanna ride him till he begs for mercy. Till I can barely even walk, hickies cover my body and his abs oh god his abs! I'm not really an ab person but Allistor's just make me melt on the inside. I mean like hot diggity damn is that man attractive ." (Y/n) giggled slightly with I think a blush on her face. I could feel myself tense up and go red, holy shit. Le sex now plz. I pull the car into my driveway and turn the car off.

"Alright lassy we are home." I say getting out of the car and walking to (y/n) side and opening the door. I start to pick her up but she tries pushing away from me slightly.

"Excuse you sir but I have a boyfriend, and an attractive one at that so please but me down before Allistor gets mad and punches you." (Y/n) says as I chuckle 

"I am Allistor." I reply picking her up as she snuggles into my chest and laughs slightly

"I knew that..." She whispers as she closes her eyes, I think she's falling asleep. I can't help but smile at the beautiful girl I'm carrying. This reminds me of the first time we met, wow have things changed. The only reason I went to that bar was because it was Hogmanay and also because England an I got into a fight. I know I say I hate him a lot but I really don't, he's always going to be my little brother I'll always love him. I just wonder if he actually loves me. I set (y/n) down on our bed and pulled the covers on her, I smiled a little as she snuggled into the blankets with the cutest expression. I put on some pj's and climbed in bed next to her and pulled her closer to me, she snuggled into my chest as I drifted off to the sounds of bed steady breathing.

~????? POV~

So I contacted the leader of DWH and he told me to fallow (y/n) and find what the relationship between her and Scotland is. Currently we know Scotland or Allistor, his human name, is in fact a wizard but his magic power is as useful as a broken pencil. Also we are not allowed to capture any light witches of wizards, that also denies is the access to Arthur because he is a light cursing wizard. But how I wish I could kill that cheeky Brit, he's such a wanker. I fallowed Allistor and (y/n) to Scotland house, so maybe they are together romantically. That would explain a lot, but another question that needs to be asked is how did (y/n) even receive magical power. The only records of witches and wizards came from England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. I think the four started a wizarding school called Hogwarts but we had to shut it down because it was producing to many dark wizards. Yet no wizards or witches ever came from Anerica. This is all to strange and we need information now, we either are going to have to kidnap (y/n) which is really cliche or we could kidnap Allistor and make (y/n) beg for him back. That sounds more fun anyways, she'll break if we kidnap her boyfriend........ Perfect.

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