Chapter 15.

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*Bang bang bang*

I rolled over as I heard the strange beating sound next to my window. Silence, and then bang! There it was again! I slowly woke up and stepped out of my bed to look what was making this obsurd sound. As I approached the window I saw that same familiar face. Those blonde locks, the sharp blue eyes, that tanned body, it was Tayla trying to get my attention by throwing little balls of sand at my window. It was 5am and the street lights were on still as the sun hadn't risen yet.

I signalled to Tayla then ran downstairs, it was competition day and I wasn't going to be late.

We both did our normal thing, went for a morning surf check and stopped at the juice bar on the way home. Today's conditions were very gloomy and overcast. It looked as though the sets were 4-5ft high and way above my skill level, however there was some smaller waves which looked pretty glassy and smooth.

After an hour we headed back to Tayla's house with our juices and started to get ready for the competition. Tayla had already waxed up my board and got it ready to go.

"So I kinda got bored waiting for you to wake up haha, so I waxed the boards and got them ready" Tayla said

"Sweet ok, yea cause I don't really know how to do that..."

"Lucky I'm on the ball then hey! Anyways, for the competiton just surf like it is us in the morning, you know. The usual carves and casual riding"

"Yea but isnt that going to make us lose?" Will said with a confused look on his face

"Nah, if anything we will perform better cause we are more natural"

"If you say so.... Boss"

*Heat 3 starts in 2 minutes*

Tayla and I ran down to the beach in a casual jog. The atmosphere was quite vibrant and quite comforting knowing that all these people came down to the beach to see us compete but at the same time was scary knowing that the slightest wrong move and we could be washed up on shore. We paddled out duck diving frantically under sets of waves towering over us. Eventually we were out the back. From out here the people on the shore seemed very small and looked almost as if they were just children. The officials huddled under the tents with scoring clipboards and the supporters with their umbrellas and jackets.

As I was zoning out and looking at the beach Tayla came speeding past on a mountain of a wave and threw the fins off the lip finishing with a nice nosepick reverse.

*Red Team: Tayla & Will, total 7/20*

"Dude come on! You gonna catch one or just stare at the beach? It's a suf comp not a stare comp" Tayla said in a serious tone

"Oh right, haha yea I will catch one"

The next wave came rolling in and immediately I paddled onto it and rode down the face with ease. That wasn't so bad, I said to myself as I started to let the wave slow me down closer to the white wash. I started pumping the board as I had seen the locals do at the beach the other day, with each pump I got faster and faster. With so much speed I felt that I needed to hop off the wave so I pulled a big bottom carve and aimed for the lip and magically I was thrown into the air spinning. As I landed I heard the crowd cheer. My efforts had paid off, Tayla was right, the more natural we feel the easier it comes.

"Woah! Nice!!! I never knew you could air like that?" Tayla said with the biggest smile on her face

"Haha neither did I" I snapped back with a cheeky grin

*Red Team: Tayla & Will, total 19/20*

*Blue Team: total 15/20*

*BEEEEEEEEEEP! Heat Over, Will and Tayla through to the finals*


Final Chapter coming next week!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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