chapter 10: Freeze

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Tayla and Will made their way through the front entrance of the house, through a wide door which opened the space up to a hanging glass chandelier. In the middle of the entrance was two staircases that went up either side of the room, curving around and meeting in the middle on the next level. Decorated with marble floors and dripping in jewelry, this house truly a masterpiece. They followed the music through the lobby into next room where the party was. Tayla pointed through the crowd to the kitchen where she saw someone that looked like it could be Bella. Making their way through the crowd Will was taking it all in, the music, the crowd, the people. He had been to American parties before, but they all had a different feel to them. It may have been the coastal beach town or may have been Australia, but either way he was loving the vibe of the parties here. After being stopped every few steps for Tayla to greet friends, we eventually made it to the kitchen. Will's heart started racing. He knew Tayla was popular in school, but nothing compared to tonight and to top it off, he was going to hang out with Bella. The two most popular girls in school, hanging out with him. He tried to play it cool, but deep down he felt otherwise.

"Hey Tay! How you going girl? " Bella said as she reached out and gave Tayla a big hug

"I'm great! This party is so good Bell! How did your parents let you have it? " Tayla asked

"Parents? Haha they are out of town till tomorrow... " Bella replied back with a slight smirk on her face, both the girls bursting out in laughter.

"And Will! So good to see you again" Bella said as she reached out and gave Will a hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

"This is my friend Amy. She was in our class today" gesturing to Amy, who gave a quick wave

"We're going to go find some the others, you coming?" Bella said

"Nah I think we are good for now, we will catchup with you soon" Tayla said

"Sweeeeet. See you in abit" Bella said as she walked off with Amy

Well that wasn't so bad Will thought to myself as he stood there taking in all of what just happened. Tayla grabbed a drink out of the fridge and poured them both a cup. Before long they were dancing and having a great time, getting lost in the music. Tayla leant over to Will and started say say something. Will tried and tried to hear her but due to the loud noise he couldn't make out what she was saying. She stared at him blankly waiting for a response, those deep blue eyes looking up at him making it even harder to try guess what she said. She tried saying it again but eventually but Will wasn't getting the message so she grabbed his hand and led him towards the deck outside.

There was glow sticks scattered everywhere and various small groups of people hanging out on couches and pool chairs. In the distance the sounds of the baseline and faint echoing of music filled the air, Will and Tayla now under the stars looking up at the moon as they lay there on a pool lounger.

"Are you liking the party so far?" Tayla said to him

"Yeah it's pretty good! Definitely a fun time. Your friends seem cool"

"That's good to hear! Yeah i've known them for ages. They're pretty fun hey. Anyways, how's your drink" she said, smiling as she spoke.

"Uh yeah i'm out" 

"Thought so. I'll get us another. Back soon" she said, walking away with the two cups.

Will was just hanging out, waiting for Tayla to return he noticed someone in the corner of the deck that wasn't doing so good. Normally in these situations its good to keep to yourself however this guy was going from bad to worse, now slumped against the wall nearly passed out. Making his way over, Will could hear him wheezing, struggling to breathe. He got there just in time as the guy started losing consciousness. Quickly will remembered his CPR training from last summer at back in California, laying the guy on his side. Suddenly he coughed to life abruptly pushing Will away with force shouting at him to get away. Will backed up and immediately left the scene, now desperate to head inside and find Tayla. Heading through the walkway with his head down, still confused about what happened, Will turned sharply around a corner and bumped into someone.

She had dark brown hair and a festival makeup on, glitter sprinkled along her face and neon paint. She grabbed apologised, brushing off Will's shoulder and moving her hand onto his chest saying how silly she was for rushing around the corner so fast. Before Will could even pick up the hint, she went straight in for a kiss and started making out with him. Within seconds Will pulled away but it was too late. Pushing her away partly from disgust and being caught off-guard, he spun around doing any moves to create distance between them, now desperate to find Tayla before more unfortunate events happen. He was too late though. As he spun around someone bumped into him spilling their drink on him. Brushing it off, he made his way to the kitchen now, his shirt now soaked completely in a sticky red liquid.

"Woah what happened to you? Looks like you were part of a murder scene" Bella said laughing

"Yeah, well someone spilt their drink on me" Will replied, the tone in his voice distinctly annoyed

"Haha I never would have guessed... haha c'mon, you can use of my brother's shirts" she said as she led the way up stairs to a bedroom.

Bella went over a wardrobe, standing in the corner of the room. It was a typical teenager styled room, double bed in the corner with a tv and xbox, surfboard in the other corner of the room and a desk. She opened the wardrobe which was flooded with a wide range of clothes and shoes. There was everything from classy dress attire to sports jerseys from famous teams. Bella picked out a purple sports jersey that read Carter on the back and had a raptor dinosaur on the front.

"Try this on. I'm sure he won't mind. He has so many other shirts" she said

Will took off his shirt, revealing his fit physique. This was a sight Bella couldn't have imagined. She knew he was a from California and had a funny side to him but she never expected him to be an athlete too. She gave him the shirt trying to maintain eye contact and minimise starting at his body too obvious. Bella had a feeling Tayla was into Will and knew she could never look at him romantically despite her innate feelings urging her to think otherwise. It was at this moment it all went downhill. Footsteps came from around the corner then there was no turning back. Tayla walked into the room immediately seeing Will shirtless and Bella standing in close contact. The tension was thick with a strong sense of fury.


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