Chapter 12.

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“It was a big night I must admit. Police, romance, friendship, definitely a night to remember”

These were my last thoughts before I passed out and was dreaming far over the rainbow.

* In the dream*

It was an overcast day with grey clouds all around me. I could feel the wind rushing past my face fiercely creating an icy chill on my face. The scent was something very familiar, but I just couldn't work out what it was. It had that strong smell that was so very memorable to me and suddenly it clicked! It was the smell of salt water. Suddenly I snapped back into action and started paddling again out towards the back as I could feel the cyclonic swell sweeping me towards the rocky outcrop near the point break. As I looked up I could see a big wave coming towards me and leaned towards the front of the board and popped my back foot on the back of the board to do a duck dive.

Underwater the water was so amazing and clear and along the sandy bottom I saw plenty of different coloured fish swimming around and having a joyful time despite the raging storm outside the water. I broke the surface of the water only to hear a voice that seemed to be amplified alot that spoke “1 minute left”. I waited for the waves to come pumping in, there was lots of them but many were unclean and dirty because of the cyclone winds.

Suddenly I saw a big one at the back approaching. I could feel the sudden power of the ocean in the water and I knew if I wanted to win I would need to get this one. It was do or die time for me so I turned towards the beach and started paddling as hard as I could and before I knew it I was swept in a forward motion and did the quick snap to stand up. It was a perfect wave until suddenly the waves started sucking me back into the barrel and before I knew it the waves had closed up and I was tumbling in the white wash towards the rocks and suddenly was washed ashore onto the rocks….

*end of dream*


I woke up to feel a bead of sweat slowly dripping down my face. As I sat up I could see the sun on the horizon and looking out my window could see a few locals out in the water catching the first waves of the day. Still feeling sleepy I tried going back to sleep but my dream kept haunting me and I just couldn't do it, so I jumped up and grabbed my board to go out for a paddle.

I did the usual thing and before I knew it was out the back. The waves today weren't all that massive but they were still fun with a decent swell. Sitting there looking out to the horizon I started to think and reflect on my dream, wondering if it was just a fear I had or if it was a sign that surfing wasn’t for me. I heard a voice from behind me coming from the beach side, a voice that I knew and sounded very familiar. Slowly I turned my board around smiling with anticipation.

“hollaaaaa” said Tayla

“ayeeee hows miss party animal”

“Im good haha how’s mr scaredy cat”

“What I aint scared of nothin”

“Oh look police! haha you're scared of them thats for sure” she said flirtatiously

“well ….. uh …. shhhh haha” I said as and splashed some water at her

“haha fine I deserved that, but seriously you're not bad at surfing and….”

“and…” I replied anxiously whilst blushing from the compliment

“and…. there’s a local comp coming up but it’s a new style of surf comps, kind of like doubles in tennis, but with surfing…” said Tayla whilst twirling her long blonde salty locks

“Woa that’s pretty rad! You should definatly enter! Go team Tay Tay haha”

“yea see thats the thing… I kind of don’t have a partner and was wondering if….” she said whilst slowly turning her glance away from me towards the beach, still twirling her hair.

“if your asking me to be your partner…… yea sure it sounds good, something fun to do even tho I’m probably going to be the worst surfer there haha”

“as if! your pretty good actually! Oh well I guess it’ll be fun weather we win or lose”

“yea exactly haha, besides i’ve already been your partner once and it was pretty exciting” I snapped back whilst smirking

“oh really? haha and when was that” she said smirking back curiously

“partners in crime”

We both laughed so hard for awhile then caught some waves and had a fun morning finished with a smoothie from the shop a few blocks away. After the smoothie we both went back to our houses to do the usual get ready for school routine. Friday, the last day of the week. Feels so good to know the weekend is tomorrow and finally stress can disappear for a day or two.



sorry it’s been awhile but I’ll try write more often

Hope your enjoying the WSL comps, some good rookies out there this year.

Keep reading and thanks everyone for the rates and likes. And thanks to someone for reminding me to write again haha yo know who you are ;)

Thanks all, Happy Easter!

Go to the beach and have fun!

Peace Out :)


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