The First Of Many.

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Shane's POV:

It is just about that time where Emily is going to kick off Raw, and before she goes to the gorilla she comes to find me. It took a couple of minutes but she eventually found out that I was outside because I needed to clear my head, she runs up to me and says "I have been looking for you, I just wanted a good luck kiss. Are you okay?" I look at her and say "Yeah I am okay, just needed to clear my head." I give her a kiss, then she looks up at me with those big beautiful hazel eyes and says "Follow me." She takes my arm and she runs with me inside I try to ask where we are going but she shush's me, the next thing I know we are in her locker room. I ask her why she wanted me to follow her and she says "No reason, I saw it in your eyes that you were upset so I wanted to see a smile on your face and that is what I got. I do not want you to not tell me things Shane if you are upset tell me okay?" I look at her and I am about to say something until I was interrupted by a stage tech guy who came in and said "Funk, you have to go to your position." I close the door and I tell her that we will talk after the show and she smiles, nods and gives me a kiss before she runs out. I sit down on the couch and let out a nice deep breathe and watch the t.v. to see what they have Em doing, she is cutting a promo saying that she has beaten Charlotte countless times and she deserves a women's championship match. I smile and put my hands behind my head until I hear my sister's theme play "The Queendom, Where the kings bow down then relinquish the crown y'all gonna hate me now. I'll just turn that around and make ya love me, love me, love me." She finally gets into the ring and agrees with Emily that she does deserve a title shot, but she has to prove herself one last time. Emily being the beautiful cocky person she is says name it, Stephanie says she has to compete in a fatal four way match against Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks and Natalya. She tells Stephanie that she could do that easy peesy Stephanie laughs and then says good luck. Emily smiles and then gets out of the ring and walks back up the ramp and back into her locker room, I look at her and ask "Are you ok?" She looks at me and giggles gives me kiss and says "Yeah I have beaten all of them on different occasions so I will be fine."

- 1 hour later-

Emily's POV:

Shane looks at me worried and asks me if Stephanie said anything else while her and I were cutting the #1 contender promo. I look at him put my had on his cheek and say "No. Stop worrying because even if your family has a problem with us being together I am not going to stop caring for you. We had a deal remember?" He looked at me shook his head and said "Of course I remember. I don't leave you and you don't leave me." I laughed then gave him a kiss and asked if he was ready to cut the promo with his father. He looked at me and said "Yeah I am ready for anything at this point." I give him and kiss and then we walk to his position at the gorilla and I tell him that no matter what happens out there do not let it get in your head. He nodded then we heard his music hit and he did his signature shuffle on to the ramp and made his way down to the ring and he began off saying: "Well dad, I gotta say that you are a egomanicial, miserable old bastard and you have lost your touch, you've lost your touch with your business, you've lost your touch with your fan base, you've lost your touch with reality, you've lost your touch with your family. But you know what all he does and everything he says just fuels me because it is my destiny, my absolute destiny to be in control of Monday Night Raw." I look up at the monitor and I smile because he is right. But he keeps on going, "It's all gonna stop! The chairmen's tyrannical grasp on everything, that stops. The Authority that stops! All of the backstabbing, the backstage politics that all stops because that is choking the life out of this business. There are so many guys with so much talent that never get a break and then there are those that I see that get all the breaks but have no talent that stops." I burst out into laughter because everything that he is saying is so true, and I smile because I hear the fans screaming and chanting YES! YES! YES! in agreement. But my face drops when I hear The Undertakers music hits while Shane just stands in the ring with no expression on his face, that what I love about him is that he always has a fearless look on his beautiful face. The lights go black, and then we see on the titan-tron that its Vince, he does is ridiculous strut out to on to the ramp. Shane does not look surprised but I had this gut feeling that something bad was going to happen, but I stopped thinking and looked up at the monitor to see what Vince had to say and he starts with "Disappointed are ya? I bet you are." The crowd goes wild with all the boo's, and he goes on to say "Let's have a little father son chat if we may Shane I was at my desk after Monday Night Raw went back to the office, I was writing you out of my will by the way Stephanie gets everything. I look down in the deep recess of my office desk draws and I saw a photograph of you and I right before I took you on your very first trip to see your very first wrestling match and then he pulls that picture up on the titan-tron. Out of no where he pulls it out of his suit jacket and says "But since last week, I said you were no longer my son he smashes the picture then says "I guess." Shane looks at him with a look of what seemed to me of pure rage and anger, then he continues on saying "We won't be needing that anymore will we?" He looks out at the universe and says it is ironic that my greatest creation will put to rest my greatest failure, Shane just nodded along leaning up against the ropes while the crowd was roaring with all the boo's. Then Vince calls out security to try to get him, but he beats the living hell out of all the security guys, while Vince just looks at him with a scared expression on his face. I knew that Shane was upset but I never expected that, he is amped up and ready to fight that made me smiling because he put to use all of that training we did so far and he wasn't half bad. He then calls Vince out to the ring and says "Come on Tough Man!! Come on here." He opened up the ropes but Vince just walked away. I have never seen Shane so angry but I kinda liked that side of him.

He made is way back up the ramp still fuming and he looked at me I could see the anger in his eyes. He told me to walk with him and then he walked off, and then I ran up next to him not saying a word. We walked the outline of the arena about 5 times before he sat down to take a breathe, he looked at me and I looked right back at him his blue gray eyes burning into my hazel green eyes. He could see that I was worried but also a little scared because I have never seen him like this before, he looked at me and said "I am sorry if I am scared you. I just needed you by my side so I wouldn't do anything stupid." He put his hand on my knee looking at me with concern in his eyes, I looked at him and said "I told you not to let any of this get into your head babe. I like this angry side of you but it also scares me a little, just tell me that you are going to be okay because I need you to be okay. If your not that is fine I put my hand on top of his hand and told him that he can talk to me about anything." He looked up at me and said "That even if the writers wrote that for him. I just can't believe that! Like what is wrong with him!" I looked at him and I said " Shane he loves you. Just keep that in mind." We both looked at each other, he put his hand on my cheek and the next thing I know our lips are crashing together.

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