Team Building.

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Shane's POV
Once Emily got done in the shower we walked out to my car and then headed  back to the hotel. Once we got back to the hotel we decided to chill out and watch Netflix I asked Emily what she wanted to watch and she suggested that we watch this show called the originals and I didn't have any objections so we just sat there binge watching the originals until Emily feel asleep on my chest then I turned off the tv and then carried my beautiful fiancé to the bedroom laid her down in the bed then I cuddled up with her and then we fell fast asleep.

~The Next Morning.~

Emily's POV:
I woke up after an amazing night just chilling with the most beautiful man in my fiancé Shane Brandon McMahon. I honestly couldn't imagine my life anything other way after I got up I decided to make some pancakes for Shane and I. It didn't take long for Shane to smell the delicious food I was making and he came out to the kitchen with the biggest smile on his face and he rubbed his eyes and said "Morning Beautiful." Then we smooched and sat down to eat this delicious food. Once we were done eating I asked Shane if he wanted to go work out you know just for fun he didnt have any objections so we went into the bedroom got dressed in our workout clothes then headed to the gym.Once we got to the gym we decided to head to the boxing ring where Shane and I wanted to go a few rounds so he could work on his cardio while I just work on some of my moves, we were going on our second round when someone came in that neither of us were expecting. Allen Neal Jones a guy that I truly respected but he was there for one reason and that was to try to take me away from Shane my one and only true love, he hopped up on the ring and then stepped through the ropes and then I punched him in the face because I am sick and tired of this shit and I told him "Oops." Then he touched his lip and realized that it was bleeding and he got up and punched me back, after that I saw a side of Shane that I have not seen in a while he got so mad and he just kept punching Allen in the face repeatedly the only way that he stopped is when I pulled him off of Allen I said "Shane calm down. It is okay I am fine." Then he stopped and he kissed me and said "I am sorry Em. I do not know what came over me. I saw him punch you and I just hated seeing you hurt." I said "I love you Shane Brandon Mcmahon nothing will change that." He looked back at me and said "I love you too Emily Katherine Funk." Then we walked out of the gym hand in hand laughing about how he just beat the crap out of the WWE World Heavyweight Champ and Allen never did anything back.  Then I looked at Shane and said "Lets Elope." Then he looked at me and said "Okay." Then we got in the car and never looked back.

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