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After our conversation last night Shane and I were in the car and like I said we never looked back. We took turns driving because it was a long ass drive to get to where we needed to go but it was my turn to drive and I could not stop looking at his adorable face if was sleeping or awake he was just my sun and my moon. But I needed to keep my eyes on the road so I can get married to this man that I have loved literally all of my life it didn't take long until we hit the Nevada sign then I pulled over put my hands on his shoulder and said "Babe wake up its your turn." It took him a minute but when he came to he looked at me gave me a deep kiss and then said "Are you going to go to sleep my love?" I shook my head no because we were very close to Las Vegas and I needed to text two people to be our witnesses so I decided to text Katelyn once I did text my sister it read "Kate get to Nevada ASAP! No questions! Love you! 💜" After I texted my twin I looked over at Shane and asked him who he wanted me to text for our second witness, he said I should text Paul so him and Steph could come so I did and the text read "Hi Paul, could you and Steph meet Shane and I in Las Vegas. Your smart enough to put two and two together see you then."
Once I was done with all the texts I put my hand in Shane's and we just held hands until we reached the little drive thru church where Paul and Steph got married before they had their huge ceremony. Once we got there it didn't take long for Shane and I too skip the marriage certificate part and get straight to the honeymoon. But once we got going I heard my phone ring and I looked at my phone and it was my sister so I picked it up then said "Hey Kate whats up?" She replied "Nothing much where am I meeting you and Shane O at?" Then I told her to meet us at the little drive thru church that Paul and Steph got married in before they got married married she understood what I was saying then she said "Be there in 20." I hung up laughing my ass off because only my sister would rush her ass up to Las Vegas Nevada asking no questions what so ever. After that like about 5 minutes later I hear a car horn beeping at us so we both get out of my car and realize that it's Paul and Steph once we see them Paul looks at me and Shane then says "What made you crazy kids wanna get married?" That's when I told Paul and Steph about how we were at the performance center and Allen Neal Jones was talking a shit ton of smack so I punched him in the face. After that he saw that his lip was bleeding then punched me in the face after that Shane just got so angry he just kept punching and punching while Allen just sat there and didn't do anything once Shane had stopped then we left and I told him that I loved him and nothing will ever change that then I said "Let's Elope." Then it just happened we drove and never looked back. Once the story was done Paul just started laughing then said "Good Job Shane O." After that we all walked into the little chapel and set up a time to get married then we sat there and waited for kate to show up.
It didn't take long for Kate to show only a good thirty minutes to an hour then after that we finally got in the chapel and then we got married, once we said our vows then the priest pronounced us man and wife then just like that we were Mr. & Mrs. Shane McMahon and I could not of been happier.

~The Next Day~

It has been a day since I married the man I have loved all of my life and I couldn't be happier. We had a long night of concimating our marriage but once I woke up I had a missed call from Paul when I listened to my voicemail it said "Hey Em, you got a match with Carmella tonight on Smackdown Live so get down to the performance center to train. See you soon!" After that I got up out of bed got in the shower got into some training clothes then packed my ring attire into my duffle then left Shane a note saying "Hey husband, went to the performance center to train for tonight meet me there when you wake up. Love You." Once I got there I ran into Paul and he said "Em! You got my message. How are you?" I replied "Good a little tired. Glad you called I needed to train for tonight. Who's gonna win?" He then said "You are scheduled to win by DQ because Alexa Bliss will interfere and then they will team up on you until Nikki Bella comes to your rescue and you know the rest." I then nodded in agreement and then I got into the ring then ran the ropes till Carmella got her act together and got her ass in the ring so we could train. It was about 45 minutes later still no Carmella but I did see my husband walk through the performance center doors I called his name and he came over to the ring and said "Hey Babe come over here so I can kiss my wife." Once we smooched her looked at me and said "Still No Carmella?" I nodded and then told him that I'm not worried, then after that I asked him to see if Sasha wanted to train with me so he hopped off the apron found Sasha then we trained for awhile then after awhile Shane told me that he was heading over to the arena and he was taking my duffle with him. I said "Okay babe love you." He said "Love you too." Then he was out the door.

~30 minutes later~

Once Sasha and I were done training we decided to car pool over to the arena. Once we got there Shane met us outside and told me that Colby and Chris Danger were having a very heated war of words and that it needed to be extinguished before Kate got here. So I got up to talk to them but instead of talking we all started to argue then Kate arrived and that's when I knew we were in deep dog shit.

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