Second Training Session

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Emily's P.O.V: 

It was the day after everything went down with my father and all I wanted to do was stay in bed because seeing my dad yesterday brought back up so many demons that I do not know what to do with myself. Shane and I were laying in bed thinking about what to do when he looked down at me and asked me if I wanted to go let off some steam by going to train with him. I looked up at him smiled and shook my head in agreement I was so excited that he had mentioned training that I shot up out of bed and ran into the bathroom to take a shower then get changed into my training tank top and gym shorts and head out. It took me about 10 minutes to get ready because I still had a lot of things on my mind but when I got out of the shower went into the bedroom to go get changed Shane had fallen back asleep. I went over to him kissed his lips and said "Wake up Lazy Bones." he opened his eyes smiled then said "I am waking up babe." Then I took off my towel and he actually woke up and whistled at me while I was getting changed, I shooed him away and he went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. I rummaged through his draws to see if he had any tank tops I could borrow because I forgot that all of mine were dirty, so I finally found a black tank top but by the time I slipped it on Shane opened the bathroom door and said "Babe that is my tank top." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and said "But all of mine are dirty can I please wear this one?" he told me that it's good that I am cute I giggled then I walked into the living room sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. to pass time until Shane gets ready.

~10 minutes passes~ 

I am still on the couch watching T.V. it feels like it has been an hour so I shout "Shane! Are you ready yet?" he shouted back "Yeah I am coming babe." he comes out in a grey shirt, black shorts and weird looking beanie. I get up off the couch look at him and ask him why he is wearing a beanie to go train, he reply's to my question with "Why aren't you wearing a beanie to go train in?" I say good point Mcmahon good point, then I turn off the T.V. and ask him if he ready to head out he said "Yeah I packed a gym bag with towels and water's for us because I knew you would forget." I laughed and said "Your on a roll aren't ya?" he laughed and said "That's just what I do." then I pick up the door off of the doorway and say "After you sir." he laughed at me and said "Thank you madam." and with that we made our way down the hallway to the elevator and out the front doors to go to the gym so I can release some tension and Shane could train for his big match against Mark at Mania. It took us a while but we finally got to the gym around 12:30 in the afternoon (it was a long ass walk), but as soon has we got there I kissed my gorgeous boyfriend and went to go release my tension on a sandbag but before I could do that I had to wrap up my hands and get some gloves. As soon has I got everything on I went in on that sandbag like it had done something wrong to me, then after I was done with the sandbag I went to go work on the speed bag when out of no where I get pushed to the ground and I look up to see who it was and it was my dad. I got up and started to scream in his face but that didn't last to long because he then punched me in the mouth and would not beating the shit out of me I screamed for Shane and he looked over saw my dad got out of the boxing ring ran over to me and right before I blacked out I saw Shane and my dad going at it. 

I open my eyes to this really bright light over my head, I finally can see clearly and I am in the hospital I hate hospital's because they are just the worst but that is a story for another time. I look around to see if Shane was with me and I said my groggy voice: "Shane? Where are you?" he walked over to me and said "I am right here Em I am not going to leave your side I promise." I asked him what had happened with him and my father he told me that the went back and forth for a while but he eventually stopped after Paul got involved and called the cops. I smiled and asked him if Paul was with him he said that he was but he had ran out to go explain what happened to the family. I nodded my head and asked Shane if the doctor or somebody as come in yet because I really wanted to leave, he said that they were in when I first came in but I was fighting with them like crazy so I had to be sedated so I would calm down. An hour passed and then the doctor finally came in and said that I would need to rest because my dad broke a few ribs and gave me a fat lip so I could not do any thing to strenuous because that would cause me to have more injuries. I took that all in and then I said "Okay that all sounds great! When am I getting out of here?" The doctor told me that he will write up the discharge papers and then I will be free to go he told me that would about 10 minutes. After the doctor left asked Shane if he could climb into the hospital bed with me so we could cuddle, he nodded and then said "Emily, I love you and you know that right?" I nodded my head and he continued "I know that this might seem like a lot to handle but the police arrested your father." I looked up at him and said "Good so he will be in lock up for 24 hours and then he will be released and try to find me yet again." Shane looked at me with worry in his eyes neither him or I knew how my father kept finding where I was but there was only one person that I could talk to find out how this was all happening my mother. 

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