The Aftermath

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Shane's POV: 

While I was getting taken out of the arena on a stretcher I see Emily run up next to me and she says "What happened to not doing anything stupid?" I smiled at her because I knew deep down in my heart that everything was going to be fine as long as I had her in my life. So before the medics could load me up into the back of the ambulance I yelled "Hold up boys! Hold on!" they stopped and then I un-did all of my straps and my neck brace all the stuff that was holding me down and then I turn to sit up and it takes me a minute but I see Emily holding me up. She looked up at me and said "What are you doing Shane? You could be seriously hurt." I didn't say anything but instead I looked at my sister and said "Steph, remember that little box i gave you before my match and I told you not to give it to me until after my match because I told about my little leap of faith?" Steph said "Yeah I have it right here." I told her to give to me and she did then I said "Emily Katherine Funk I know that I said that we would wait but I do not think I can any longer. I know this probably going to surprise you because I can't get down on one knee, but will you marry me?" She looked at me with nothing but tears running down her face and said "Of course I will!" then everyone started clapping. Then I saw my father standing there and I went up to him and we had a pretty emotional embrace as most people would say, then I walked to the trainers room and asked him to take a look at me because I did not want to go to the hospital. The trainer checked me out and he told me that I looked okay and that I will be a little sore tomorrow but other than that to just rest and don't do anything like that again for a while ok? I nod and then Emily and I walk out of the arena and decide to head back to the hotel. 

Emily's POV:

I am just about to get in the ambulance with Shane so he can go get checked out to see if everything is okay. But right before they load him up he is yelling at them to hold on a second, then the next I see is Shane ripping off the straps and neck brace then he sits on the side of the stretcher and asks Stephanie about a ring shaped box that he gave her before his match with Undertaker then he hands her the box and asks me to come here. I walk over to him and he tells me that he knows that he said that he would wait but he just needed me to be his forever, then he says that he can't get down on one knee so this is the best he can do. Then he asks me the question that I have dreamed about him asking me since I was a little girl, he asks me to marry him....I do not waste any time in balling my eyes out but while in the mist of me crying I say YES! YES! YES! and then he hops off the stretcher and we hugged but then I see Vince and I tell Shane and then I watch Vince and Shane also have a very emotional embrace. After that Shane took my hand and we went to the trainers room so Dr. Amann could check him out and after a good 20-30 minutes of the doc doing just that he told Shane that everything seemed okay that he was going to be a little sore in the morning but to just rest and to not do any like he did again for a while. I promised the doc that he wouldn't and Shane just nodded but after that we decided it would be best if we went back to the hotel so that we could both be properly rested for RAW the next day. 

~The Next Day~ 

I woke up before Shane so I decided it would be a nice thing to do if since he put his body through a massive amount of shit that I would take care of him until we had to be at the arena for the taping of RAW. So I went into the kitchen and made what I made best eggs, toast and bacon those are the only breakfast foods I can cook other than French Toast and Pancakes but that was too much work for me today because I was hurting from my match last night. It took awhile but after I cooked Shane and I up some breakfast I brought it into the bedroom and said "Shane wake up. I made breakfast." It only took a second for him to slowly make his way up to grab his plate and then he looked at me and said "What is the special occasion?" I told him that I knew he would be sore after what happened last night and how I decided to take care of him until tonight so he was going to have to deal with it. He looked at me then pulled me in for a sweet kiss and then said "I do not know where I would be without you babe. I am so glad that I found you." I looked at him and said "I am glad that we found each other." Then we sat in the bedroom turned on Grey's Anatomy because Shane and I love that show and then I asked him what he wanted to do today before the taping... and he looked at me with those gorgeous gray-blue eyes and said "Right now just this is fine. But maybe later we could go shoe shopping? I am in the market for some new kicks." I giggled and said "So am I babe, So am I." 

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