Leap of Faith.

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Emily's POV
It was the morning of Wrestlemania 32 and I had to say I was pretty nervous. Well not for me because today was the day that I defeat Charlotte for the title that is rightfully mine, I was more nervous because Shane had his match with Undertaker the match that was basically going to define his career. I make Shane and I breakfast hoping that he would wake up from the delicious smell booming around the hotel room but he didn't so I went in to the bedroom to see him still fast asleep and then climbed on top of him and kissed his lips and said "Good Morning My Love. Breakfast is ready." He smiled then the next thing I know he flips me over and I am beneath him. He had his sexy devilish smirk across his lips and said, "Don't tease me. Whats for breakfast?" I told him that it was French toast with home fries because breakfast is the only meal of the day I could actually cook, he kissed my lips then hopped off the bed and told me to meet him in the kitchen. So I got out of the bed scoffed because he was just being a little shit today and I didn't know if it was because he was nervous about his match with Mark or he was just in a playful kind of mood today. When I got to the kitchen I saw my man in his boxers eating like he knew the zombie apocalypse was coming so I sit down next to him look over at him and say "Babe are you ok? Something seems off about you today." He puts down his fork and knife looks deep into my eyes and says, "Sorry Babe it just today is the match with Mark and I am kinda nervous but not really because I already know how it's going to play out. I just want to be in the best condition possible so I can really put everything I have into this match." I look at him and tell him that he is going to do great just to not do anything stupid and he looks at me and says "I am not going to promise anything. I love you babe." Then he kissed me and told me that he had to run because he was going to be late for his last training session. I told him to meet me at the arena when he was done just so we could spar for a while just so I can both mentally and physically prepare for this Fatal 4 way between Sasha, Charlotte, Becky and I. He told me that he would and then zipped out the door.

~4 hours later~

Shane's POV:

I just finished up with my coaches then got in my car and drove to AT&T Stadium to meet my beautiful girlfriend. On my way inside the stadium I run into Steve and Charles because the Hall of Fame class was being presented tonight right before my match with Mark. I stopped and said "Hey guys." They said hey back then asked me how I was and if I was ready for my match with Mark and I told them I have never been more ready for anything in my life and with that I was on my way to see my lady. About five minutes pass and I see Emily helping all the ring techs set up the ring, I walk up to her and I was like "Babe. What are you doing?" She looks at me and says "I am getting workout in before all the press start rolling in you know?" I look at her and say "I don't know honestly but your so cute when your breaking a sweat." She laughed and we kissed then she was like "Are you going to help us or just stand there looking sexy?" I said "I will go to our locker room meet me there when your done?" She nodded and I walked to our locker room.

~5 minutes later~

About five minutes later I see Emily walking through the locker room door. She says "Hey babe are you ready for the press?" I laughed and said "Yeah babe." Then about five minutes later we both get ready and we sit doing press for about an hour maybe two, then at like 7 o'clock the Mania pre-show was happening so Shane and I were in our locker room getting ready for the show. I walk out of the bathroom in our locker room and look at Emily and said "Are you ready to become the new Women's Champion?" She giggled got up kissed my lips and said "Yes I am are You ready?"

~1 hour later~

It was about time for Emily's fatal four way match and like 5 minutes before the match. I walk em to the gorilla and then we hang out and talk she looks at me and says "Babe I am so nervous what if I don't win?" He looks me deep in the eyes and says "Emily I dont care if you win or if you lose no matter what I will always love you." Tears started to roll down her cheeks and that's when the stage tech goes "Emily be in your entrance position in 3 minutes ok?" She said "ok thanks." Then she looked at me and said "Well I guess that is my cue. Wish me luck." I watch her walk up the steps then shout "You'll do great! Believe in your self! Love you!"

~While Emily's Match is happening~

I see emily kicking ass in everyway then the next thing I know Charlotte hits Natural Selection on Sasha then goes for the pin but then Emily pulls Charlotte out of the ring and hits her with a stunner. Then hits Sasha with the twist of fate and then gets the three count and the next thing I know I see emily crying in the middle of the ring. Mike Keyoda raises her arm in victory and she wipes the tears from her eyes, she is walking to the back and has soon she saw me she said "Babe! I did it! Holy Shit!!" Then we kissed and hugged and then she told me that she was going to hit the showers and she will be back in time to hang out with me before my match with Taker.

~10 minutes before Shane's match~

Emily's POV:

I am just heading out of the shower making sure that I have enough time to hang out with Shane before his match with Undertaker. I get dressed so I throw on some basketball shorts and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and head to the gorilla position to find Shane. It took me a couple minutes to find him but I finally spotted him chilling on a stage cart swinging his legs twiddling him thumbs. I run up to him with my new championship around my waist and give him a huge kiss and then ask him if he is ready. He said "Of course I am babe." Then we just sit there until a stage tech and he says "Shane be at your entrance position in 2 minutes." He said "Alright thanks." Then it was Deja vu and Shane said "That's my cue babe. Wish me luck."

~About 15 minutes into Shane's Match~

I am sitting here in our locker room watching Shane's match and then I see him scaling this 20 foot high cage then he does the cross around on his chest then I see him plummeting down attempting an elbow drop and then I see Mark move out of the way and my heart drops to the pit of stomach. I am literally resisting everything im my body to just ran out there to see if he is ok. I'm sitting in our locker room balling my eyes out then Stephanie walks in and she tells me that he is going to be ok but they are going to put him on the stretcher put a neck brace on him and then take him to the nearest medical facility ok? I look at her and say "Why did he do that?" She told me that he took a huge leap of faith and it didnt pay off. Then I run out of my locker room and saw Shane being taking out on the stretcher into the ambulance and I run up next him and say "What happened to not doing anything stupid??" Then he looks at me smiled and says I will be ok babe. I love you. Then he did something that not only shocked me but shocked his whole family.

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