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Shane's POV: When I saw my wife laying unconscious in a hospital bed all I could think about is who the hell made her like this, so I decided to go back to the arena there was an hour before the show ended and I needed to figure out how she ended up the way she did. Once I left Em's hospital room I ran into her doctor, once I gathered my thoughts I finally asked if they figured out what was wrong her doctor looked at me and said "Shane we are running tests but what it seems to be is someone drugged your wife to put her into what seems to be a comatose state." I stared blankly at her doctor for what seemed to be eternity then her doctor finally snapped her fingers in front of me and said "Shane? Hello? Mr. McMahon?" I snapped out of it and said "Never call me Mr.Mcmahon. Thats my father." She nodded her head in agreement then asked me if I wanted her to be more in depth about whats going on with my wife but I didnt answer.
~30 minutes later~
Once I got back to the arena I immediately ran into Bryan and once I did he had a lot of stuff to say. First he told me that Baron Corbin cost Kalisto his intercontinental championship match and now Kalisto is looking to get revenge but before he could get any further I interrupted him and said "Bryan listen that sounds rough because Baron is not the easiest person to deal with but tell me where The 'New' Wyatt Family is." He told me that they were in the closest passed the boiler room, I thanked him and then made my way to confront Wyatt. Once I made it to where they were I pounded on the door and said "Wyatt open up I need to talk to you." It took a second but he opened up and he said "Shane what brings you here?" I looked at him and said "Tell me why my wife is laying in a hospital bed unconscious." He laughed in my face and then said "Oh Shane. When we left her she was fine but who knows who could of walked in here and did something but I assure you we had nothing to do with it." After he said that I walked away I did not have time to play these silly mind games, so once I was done with the Wyatt's I sat on a crate and thought to myself who has it out for my wife? Then it came to me Baron Corbin as been the biggest pain in the ass lately maybe it was him. So once I saw Corbin walking out of the gorilla I pulled him by his shoulder and he looked at me very angry then said "What the hell do you want Mcmahon?!" I said "What the hell did you do to my wife?!" He then looked at me and said "What are you talking about? Something happened to Emily?" I was frustrated and felt like he was playing stupid with me so I replied "Don't play stupid with me Corbin what did you do?" He said "Shane listen man, I know I have been a pain in the ass with this whole Kalisto storyline but I swear I did nothing to Em. I swear dude." I stood there for a second and thought to myself ok he sounds genuinely concerned and if he was the person that did something then he probably would not of said anything. So after I was done with Corbin I moved on but instead of going around chopping off heads I sat down and decided to call my wife's twin and once she answered it was like she knew what was going on and what I was going to ask. So she answered the phone and said "Hey Shane. Emily wake up yet? And have you thought about maybe Lesnar? Or maybe our Father made his way back into the picture. Think about Shane O'." I did not need to say anything else because she knew has much as I did after I hung up with Funk #2 I sat there for awhile then got up and decided to make my way back to the hospital Emily still hasn't woken up yet. So I sat there and was talking to myself asking myself how did you end up like this babe? Who did this to you? I dozed off after while but when I woke up the next the morning I saw someone that I thought my wife and I would not be seeing for while.
Authors Note:

Guys please let me know if you love this chapter. You guys are the best.

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