Daily Update #2

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Hello people. Today I'm going to go on a rant because why not.

Okay so I woke up, I was smiling, and I I was happy because I was so ready for my history final because for once I actually studied a few days in advance! And so I got all of these texts from everyone saying what they got on their exams so far. So I checked the grading cite an I got a 95% on my religion exam! YAY! Then I went to math and.... A FREAKING 80%. Now to many people that might be good. But, for me that is awful. Why? It's an exam. I'm in honors math. Math has been one of my strongest subjects since kindergarten. And lastly, I'm in seventh grade. This was my most important math exam in grade school because all high schools look at these exams. And everyone got in the high 90's sooooo. And when I went to the teacher and asked if I could do extra credit she said, "No since it's a final." So I asked if I could do anything to bring my average up since it was an 80. And she said, "Nope. In fact it seemed really out of character for you you usually don't do so poorly. Yours was one of the lower grades a lot of other people got a 90 or above."

OKAY!! I can't do extra credit. Fine. But don't compare me to every other freaking person and say that I did a poor job. Other people would kill for an 80 on their final. UGHHH!

On top of that, I have a science final tomorrow which I haven't started studying for and I have a piano recital this weekend. So I have to practice like three hours a day up until then to get Claire de Lune down which is a really hard song and my grandmother (my piano teacher) expects me to have it perfect by Sunday. And my mother is yelling at me right now for not doing my chores so I gotta go do that.

Ciao. :)

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