Conflict 5: Fatal

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"What were you thinking?" Flavio asked as he dried your hair with a towel.

It was already midnight when Kuro and Lutz discovered you had disappeared from the party and (thankfully) found you in the garden before Luciano did. You were just out there though and when you failed to respond to the two men's words they had to half-carry, half-drag you through a secret tunnel and into your bedroom so none of the guests could find you.

"You could've gotten a cold from standing out in the rain" Flavio wasn't exactly lecturing you, but you didn't care either way. Only one thing was in her fuzzy mind.

Lightning struck as thunder clapped. The world had turned completely white and amidst it all you could've sworn you saw green eyes and gold hair as the man continued calmly "Kirkland. Oliver Kirkland"


Everything turned black for half a second and Oliver Kirkland had disappeared like foam. Vanished as fast as he had appeared.



Rain began to pour, growing heavier and heavier as the winds kept blowing. However, you couldn't care less. Only one thing resonated inside your malfunctioning mind:


"Kirkland..." That one name caused the entire room to stay still with Kuro pausing by the door way holding a tray of warm wine.

Flavio pulled back the towel "What was that, bella?" Noticing the sudden tension, you immediately faced Flavio with a frown "Kirkland. D..." You hesitated before continuing "Do you know anybody named Kirkland?"

The older Vargas' eyes narrowed, but not at you. You felt his gaze see through you, glaring at somebody you couldn't see.


You turned but Flavio didn't move a muscle as Luciano strolled inside the room with Lutz and eventually, Kuro, trailing behind.

"England" He repeated "Oliver Kirkland represents England of the Nine Houses"

You wanted to ask more but the look in Luciano's eye told you to keep quiet as he continued "His so-called 'brothers' are Jason Jones, James Williams, and Francois Bonnefoy who represent America, Canada, and France respectively. They and our family used to be close, but they betrayed us at some point in the past. We try our best to avoid each other for the sake of keeping the world in one piece. However" You barely had enough time to react when Luciano leaned in so close that your noses were almost touching. (Considering who and what he is, the situation was far from romantic.)

"How do you know that name?" He asked—demanded to be more precise.

You gulped, "I was in the garden when someone, an Englishman with ginger hair and pink eyes approached me"

"What?" Luciano's voice raised and for the first time in a long time, you felt fear for your life.

Seeing you flinch, Flavio touched his brother's shoulder and whispered his name to calm him down. Fortunately, it worked and Luciano let go of your arm which he didn't even realize he had in the first place.

"Never mind" Luciano cleared his throat "I'm going back to my study. Put her to sleep"

The way he said it creeped you out but you knew that it didn't mean anything lethal. Maybe.

"You probably wouldn't take any medicine I give you" Flavio returned to his usual cheery self and took the wine from Kuro "So I'll have a drink of this to prove it's not poisonous"

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