Conflict 22: Confess

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How did it get to this?

   You were currently cleaning the blood off James' shoulder along with the dirt tucked between the locks of his hair.

   While running away, a Rebel with a good arm had lodged a throwing knife into James' clavicle. Jason responded with a bullet to her skull. Despite the injury, however, James didn't let go until you were all deep inside the forest surrounding the Rebels' HQ. As the yelling of orders and string of gunfire grew faint, it had begun to rain. James suggested taking shelter in an abandoned cabin. You and Jason were skeptical of the location, but with you and James injured, there was no other choice.

   Using a first aid kit that James had in his pack, you wasted no time tending to your and his wounds.

   "You're good at this" James said as he watched you cover his wound using  duct tape, your hands still and professional "Were you clumsy as a kid or...?"

   You rubbed your nose, "Books"

   He sighed and leaned back into the chair, "Of course"

   Jason fingered the torn curtain and peered out the window, "This rain isn't letting up anytime sooner"

   "I saw some firewood in that basket over there" James pointed.

   "I'll start the fire"

   "You should rest, too" James kept his gaze on you as he lay on the couch.

   "I know" You replied, making yourself comfortable on the creaking wooden floor and crossing your arms, your back resting on the wall.

   "There's another chair, you know"

   "If you don't mind, I'd rather sit on the floor" There were two reasons: one, you felt the need to sleep in a position where you wouldn't feel too safe, and two, the cushions were dusty.


   You looked up at him, then back on the floor, "...Allergies"

   The brothers fell into silence, the sound of the rain falling into the  background as you only heard the crackling of fire.

   You closed your eyes. Much to your dismay, you couldn't stay asleep for too long, you couldn't even fall asleep. Your body jerked your mind awake at the slightest hint of losing consciousness.

   You yawned and unfolded your arms, which were sore from having stayed in the same position for two hours.

   You closed your eyes, but again, your sleep was disturbed before it came.

   "Ngh..." Beside you, James' teeth were clattering, his large form was quivering.

   "That's not a scene you see everyday" You turned your head. Jason was also on the floor, his rifle sitting on his lap.

   "Guarding?" You asked.

   "No, daydreaming" He snapped.

   You weren't amused.

   He sighed and pinched his nose, "Sorry, I haven't had a decent night's rest in a while"

   Not that you were conceited, but to be logical, you knew it was because they have been turning every rock and scraping the bottom of every barrel to look for you.

   You glanced over to James. Since you had to clean his wound and dress it, he had to take off his shirt and jacket. After you had finished, he only placed his flannel jacket over his chest, not bothering to put on his thermal t-shirt. Now his lips were losing color.

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