REMINDERS: Okay, before we start. I'd just like some disclosure here. I do not, in anyway, want you guys to think that just because the Reader is a virgin that I am preaching. Reader's a virgin because I'm a virgin; I am not trying to tell you that because you're no longer a virgin makes you like a horrible slut--NO, please don't think that I'm trying to give you that kind of message. Same goes with the vegetarian thing, that's just my choice. No need to be mean about it. Moving on, enjoy, people :-D
Your eyelids were heavy when the stupid bell woke you up at seven. You groaned and yawned when the speakers feedbacked and Oliver greeted you with his usual talk, "Good morning, poppet. I hope you slept well? I made you a delicious breakfast for today. Wash up and get changed. Your clothes will be in the bathroom"
The door opened and the tiredness vanished. You reluctantly crept towards it, up close you saw that it was built like a tank. Just how bad did these people want you here?
Licking your teeth, you got out and lights systematically blinked on to show the path. The hallway was no different from the bedroom: the lighting were Victorian lamps that lined the white-trimmed baby pink plaster, and the floor was carpeted with a deep maroon fur-like material.
'This guy really likes pink, doesn't he?' You thought as you walked down the hall, turning to wherever the lights guided.
You eventually reached an open door similar to the one in the bedroom. It shut close on its own when you stepped in.
Neatly folded next to the porcelain sink were my change of clothes. As you examined them, a speaker in the corner just above the bubble-filled tub began to play London Bridge is Falling Down from a music box.
"Well, that's one way to start the morning" You grumbled lowly as you grasped the ribbon of the pinafore only to stop midway.
You eyed every angle of the room suspiciously. The last thing you needed was Jason the neighborhood pervert and the rest of them watching you bathe.
You couldn't find any of the hidden cameras, but you were still doubtful so you only stripped down to your underwear before stepping inside the tub. Luckily for you, the costume only appeared Victorian: no corsets, no puffy underwear—thank God for that, you didn't think you could live with yourself knowing that they've seen you naked.
Hiding the majority of your body in the rainbow-like bubbles, you unclasped the hook of your bra and dropped it on the dress discarded on the floor. Sliding deeper down the tub, you tugged your peach panties off, but you had to bend your knees as the tub was simply too small.
Once you were completely naked you sighed and began to remove the braids. What did you do to deserve this humiliating punishment?
After five minutes, the water grew lukewarm and you took it as a signal to get out.
You grabbed a towel hanging on a nearby hook and stood up, simultaneously wrapping the soft strawberry-scented cotton around your chest.
Great. 'Now how am I supposed to change?'
Holding the towel securely, you opened one of the white cabinets and found that it had a hollow space just big enough for you to fit inside. It was sure to make anyone claustrophobic, but beggars can't be choosers.
With a sigh, you took the clothes and changed in the small space.
Very different from what you previously wore (which made you look like a porcelain doll), you got a more normal-looking attire composed of a navy blue A-line dress with red cherries, a white cardigan, and cream ballet flats.

Mirrors (2P!Axis x Reader x 2P!FACE)
FanfictionIt has been a year since you moved to England, but your quiet afternoon is interrupted by a surprise party held by your human and "country" friends. As you celebrate your twenty-fourth birthday however, something unexpected happens and your world is...