Conflict 24: Truth

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You didn't realize that the building had more levels, which was understandable since you've only stayed in the bottom-most. But now you were in a dull-gray chamber with only three pieces of furniture: a neatly-made bed with white pillows and white blankets, a light brown wooden dresser, and a desk with nothing on it.

   For someone who wore bright blue bowties and pink sweater vests, Oliver's room was a blank canvas that no one bothered to paint on.

   Francois put a hand on your head, he saw Jason taking you to Oliver and followed.

   "How's your wrists?" He was the one who cleaned and dressed the wounds up while Jason went to speak with Oliver.

   You glanced up, but didn't say anything.

   You heard grumbling and whispering outside the door where the other three were conversing.

   You heard a loud thud, fully aware that it must've been angry Jason taking it out on the wall.

   Oliver strolled inside with a tray, "I made tea"

   "Yeah, tea. She slit her wrists, Oliver, she's not trying to take etiquette lessons" Jason stomped behind him. James smacked him on the head.

   "Ow! What's your problem?"

   James motioned with a nudge of his head.

   Jason realized that you were in the room and looked away.


   "Now, poppet" Oliver placed the tray on the desk and then sat down next to you on the edge of the bed, "what on Earth drove you to do such a thing?"

   You said nothing.

   "Why did you cut yourself?"


   James crossed his arms and Francois took out a cigar.


   Jason clenched and unclenched his fists, still hesitant, but eventually said it: "Let's tell her"

   You finally snapped out of it. You leaned, "Tell me what?"

   Francois glanced over to Oliver.

   "Stay out of this, Jason" Oliver's voice wasn't stern, but sweet. Which made it all the more terrifying.

   "Tell me what?" You asked again.

   "She tried to kill herself, Oliver, I think we should tell her"

   "Jason" James whispered, tugging on the hem of his brother's jacket.

   Jason shrugged him off and stepped forward, but Francois held up his arm. He shook his head. Jason blinked and growled lowly before returning to James' side.

   "Tell me what?" You repeated.

   Oliver had one of your hands in his. He seemed to like observing it, "I wonder how many times this hand has been scraped from all your adventures"

   You raised an eyebrow.

   "All right." Oliver looked up, blue eyes giving off the impression that they were glowing beneath the fluorescent ceiling lamp "I'll tell you" His fingers traced your cheekbone down to your jawline before finally grabbing your chin and placing his lips on yours.

   A gasp left your mouth when he pulled away.

   Everything came flooding in, crashing into the blocks and filling the holes. Your heart steadied, finally finding peace when it found what was missing. But your brain knew that it was no time to celebrate.

   "I gave you that cupcake during the party" Oliver watched you as the memories came "But the Idiots Three somehow got their hands on my formula and gave you a drink. You overdosed and lost your memory as a result"

   "You..." you shot up, knees wobbling and arm shaking, "You kidnapped me a-and..."

   "We never used the formula on animals before, but because of your repeated exposure to your world's England and his magic, we figured we could try and see"

   "You were going to use me to... to invade my world. You, you all... graAaargh!" you held threw your head back. Blood streamed down your lips from your nose as you struggled against the searing pain in your head and the unexplainable feeling of being torn apart. Tears formed a river.

   "What the Hell is happening?" James demanded.

   "She's been here too long. Her body and consciousness don't belong in this universe. I gave her more of the formula to keep her stable but her immunity system somehow built up against it" Oliver watched you grab the sides of your skull "With her memories back the universe is in disarray"

   "English, Oliver, for fuck's sake" Jason cursed.

   "It's going to kill her"


   You let out a scream and the entire building shook—the same way back then at the Rebels' headquarters.

   "Name!" Jason reached out to grab you, but the floor beneath your feet had collapsed and you fell.

   The pain stopped for a moment, giving you just enough time to realize you weren't falling, you were suspended in mid-air, and there were no walls or ceiling or floor as far as you could tell.

   It was dark, with twinkling white dots to keep you company, it was like being in space—at least the way you pictured being in space was like.

   You felt the hammer beginning to move again so you closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

   The aching left, but you knew it was going to come back.

   "I don't know how you do it" You opened your eyes and found yourself in a familiar room. It was your bedroom back in London, the one you moved into after the fire. Luciano was on the bed examining a sunflower from the vase on your end table.

   "I don't know how or why, but I'm drawn to you and it feels really, really weird..." He threw the flower over his shoulder and got up.

   He walked over to you and caressed your cheek.

   "Have you been crying?"

   "...Help me" was all you could mutter.

   He traced the shape of your lip with his thumb.

   "I love you" He whispered before driving something cold and sharp into you.

   You looked down, the shock overwhelming all your nerves to even make you feel the hot pain.

   He pushed the knife deeper as he placed a chaste peck on your lips.

   He pulled out the blade and you could've sworn you saw the moistness in his eyes.

   "Goodbye, bella" 

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