Medical Emergency

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Medical Emergency

By this stage, the mummy may experience some swelling, which may come and go until baby is born, just be aware if it comes on suddenly or is very severe, it can be a sign of preeclampsia, which is very dangerous and can cause complications, this is a condition marked by an abnormal rise in blood pressure and protien in the urine.

the baby: baby's immune system is developing, this consists of absorbing mummy's antibodies to be ready for the outside world, baby is also taking lots of breaths, though they aren't yet of oxygen, baby now weighs from 600 grams - 1kg and is about 34 - 38 cms long.

2nd April 2014 (26 weeks and 4 days)

Matthew's POV

"Morning Babe." Sums yawnded as I turned off my alram, which I tried to quickly, so I didn't disturb her. I guess I wasn't fast enough. I rolled back over to face her and buried my head in her neck, and had one hand resting on her belly, that is now nice and full.

"Sorry for waking you, Baby." I whispered and kissed the skin below her ear.

"It's ok, I didn't have the best sleep, I'll try and get more before Rach and Shane come over." she mumbled with another yawn. She hasn't been having the best sleeps lately, with Brax kicking her throughout the night, and just her feeling uncomfortable.

"Alright Baby, but you call me straight away if you need me, and I'll be here." she nodded and closed her eyes, I gave her cheek a kiss and headed to the shower. After getting dressed for work , I kissed my wife and tucked her back into bed snuggly before heading out.

Half hour later, I pulled up into the new site, and saw Adam was leaning over his bonnet, reading the plans. I got out the ute and stetched, as I was feeling a bit stiff, even with a kingsized bed, Sums was hogging it all.

"You look like shit man." Adam laughed as he popped his head up when he heard my door shut.

"I feel it too, Sums was restless last night and almost kicked me off the bed." I chuckled and took a glance of what we were supposed to be doing today. By the looks, it's an extension to the back of the house.

"You'll be on the floor soon." he laughed, and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, probably be safer there." I chuckled, I walked to the back of my ute to grab my tools, to get this job started, it's gonna be a long day.

"Oh Matt, a little warning, you may get hit on, a lot." I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrows.

"This house is owned by three very eager chicks, and go for anything that moves." he said looking toward the house, when I glanced over as well, I groaned, there in the front window was one of them, staring at us.

"Great, that's all we need, desperate chicks." I sighed, that just makes this day even longer, because they will always be getting in the way.

"You should've been here earlier, the blonde hit on Nate already, you should've seen his face." he laughed, as we started to head out the back.

"I always miss the good stuff." I chuckled, when we got around the back, Kaleb was excavating the area, while Nate and Scott were stacking the materials we needed. I took a look around, at least it's only one room we need to do.

My eye caught the same chick that was looking through the window, who was now leaning against the back door. She looks like she's ready to jump on a pole and start stripping, with that hardly there outfit, tits nearly hanging out, makeup caked on. A creepy feeling ran through my body, as I joined Scott and Nate, you know when someone is looking at you and you don't need to see it, but you feel it.

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