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Reach out to me, little wave

Wash out the dainty smudges I gave

The light traces I left in the sand smiling

The deep prints of my feet still walking

To the blushing seafoam, they lay waiting

The drawings I left by the shores at hand

Are yours to claim and understand


Cradle me delicately, little wave

With your turquoise-shaded waters

Ever so gentle, yet so powerful and brave

Splashing playfully, extending out further

To me with your beckoning cool arms

To embrace me lightly as I sit under

The sweet moonlight and watch the stars


Call out to me softly, little wave

Whistle me a mellifluous tune echoing

With your freshest sea breeze humming

Give me one last dance on the shores, little wave

Forever in my memory to keep and save

Before you whisper goodbyes, to my heart you give

And with your wistful farwells, slowly recede.

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