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I'm so deluded

By your mirror

In the stones

When I met

You, suddenly

I was alone

Wit that stabs

Souls in and

The corner wall

Words that glow

Coalesced as

It quaintly falls

The stars will

Be yours for

The taking

You look sick

But I thought

You're faking

Floral shirts

Faded trousers

And fixed hair

What happened

To the cap boy

Without a care?

But somehow

The bloodstains

Appear better

Than your silver

Nosering and

Black sweater

A voice as soft

As linen and

Cotton pillows

You change

The pulse that

The wind billows

On blurs of

Bowling balls and

Pinball machines

Waltzing girls

That knock you

Like bowling pins

You drive me

Off the cliff and

Onto the sun

The boy with


And on you stun.

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