Chapter 11-

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I run into the closest building and shut the door quietly behind me closing my dreary eyes. I'm out of breath and I wasn't even running. I was just so nervous- no, I was terrified.

My head hangs low as I catch my breath but when I pry my eyes open and stare at the pavement. I notice a glow brimming my eyes.

Candles are placed all over the floor and on shelves. Words are written in floor but as I ease closer they're names. I was right. This wasn't a sanctuary it's a trap.

On the walls were written, "Never again. Never trust. We first, always." I walk past the candles and names when I hear a gun click and a voice.

"Drop the weapons and turn around! I want to see your face!"

I halt to a stop and see there are walkers piled at the door I was intending to exit at. I spin around on my heels aim my gun at her pistol and shoot.

The pistol flies across to room and skids on the floor. The woman goes for the gun but I dive for her knocking over a table in the process.

She tries pushing me into shelf of candles which are now knocked over. I use my but if my gun and push her to the floor. She pulls me down with her and I fall on top of her.

We both start to pull at the gun but I roll over and stand on both of my two feet. The women is about to hit me with piece of medal then freezes to see my gun pointed at her.

This is a pregnant woman... an old pregnant to be exact, but this woman knows where my family is and obeying isn't going to get her to tell me. This pregnant woman just sighs and begins to speak.

"The signs... they were real... it was a sanctuary. People came and took this place-"

"How many were-"

"They raped and they killed... and they laughed over weeks, but we got out... and we fought and we got it back... and we got the message. You're the butcher... or you're the cattle."

"The men you pulled from the car where are they?" she stayed silent and to get her to talk I shoot her leg and say.

"Where are they?!" she just yells in pain and breathes heavily speaking with all the strength left within her.

"And now... point it... at my head." I get a better grip on my gun and blink a few times. She just starts laughing.

"You could have been one of us. You could have listened to what the world was telling you!"

"You lead people here, you take what they have, and you kill them? Is that what this place is?" I ask tilting my head and staring into her eyes.

"No, not at first. It's what it had to be. And we're still here." she's sick and I'm not going to let her get away with what she has done she will feel the pain she made others feel. I lower my gun and pick up her pistol.

"Not here, and neither am I." I walk towards the door where the walkers are piled up at and open it. The walkers pour in and limp towards the woman.

"No! No! No! Noo! Noooo! AHHHH!" I ignore her and walk out the door. Once all the walkers are inside I shut the door behind me, and slowly walk away so the walkers don't notice me. I limp my way to the train cart I saw Rick and them were in.

I'm a long distance from the cart when I see Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Bob open the cart letting the group out. I want to yell for them but that would draw attention to me. Since I know they're free I leave Terminus because they can survive this... they always survive.

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