Chapter 1-

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Surviving is all we can do now. Killing is all we do. No family. No friends. No love. I haven't seen a human in months. The last humans I saw were my family, but they were eaten by a pack of walkers. The only reason why I was able to get away, was because the walkers were too busy eating my family. I miss them so much. I'd kill to have them back in my life again. But back to not seeing any humans. When I say humans I mean good people. Not ones who take all your supplies and try to kill you. But if you want to count that I've killed over thirty people. Look I know that's a lot but I have to clear. Clear is what I do. What I was meant to do.

Whoever I see I kill. That's what clear means. And that's what I stand for. I understand this is how the world is now. It's the apocalypse. The one and only. Trust me it's a pain in the ass. I haven't spotted an animal in a week and I haven't eaten in two weeks. I'm starving. I remember when I was younger and I would say I was starving and my parents always respond with, "You're just hungry we would never let you starve". I would roll my eyes at their response but now that I've looked back on it I smile. I now know what starving means because I'm facing it now.

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