Chapter 18-

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Chapter 18-

I wake up on the ground.... did he knock me out? I gather my stuff that's scattered on the ground and walk down a path. His words run through my mind. "Don't let me see your face ever again or you'll regret it." He scares me like when you get yelled at by a parent and their face turns red. At the moment you knew you messed up but more. Weird.


I want love. I could've have had with Carl. But as always I fuck it all up. I come across as the kind of person who does for sex, but I'd rather have terrible sex and have a lovely relationship. I was falling for Carl but I'm sure he didn't feel the same way. Or so I thought. I hope... but I never get what I want so I doubt it. WHY AM I SO NEGATIVE? 

Stop Lillie... think positive. It'll help in the long run. Huh, don't you just love when I talk to myself. It actually helps the loneliness, surprisingly. I want to go home. Home to Rick, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, Beth, everyone. I miss them so much I wish I never left. It was a huge mistake. 

"I don't even know where they are." I start to cry... imagine the ugliest cry. That's what it's like. Gross. I know. I drop to the ground, "I'm stupid." by now I'm sobbing. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID.

"DAD THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE STREET!" Why even bother... just kill me, "LILLIE?!"

"Huh?" I mumble slowly looking up. It's him. Mr. Ocean eyes peering down at me with his gorgeous blue eyes. My body sagged looking at him.

"Beautiful." I mumble softly as I stand up. He hugs me tightly- head on my shoulder and mine on his. His arms are at my waist and my arms around his neck. He takes his head off my shoulder and I do the same. But we don't let go, we keep our faces inches apart. This is my chance. Maybe my only chance.

"Have you been crying?" he asks concerned.


"Don't- Don't cry you have me." He says smiling.

"Yeah, I do." I smile. I take the chance of him disapproving and lean in- kissing him passionately. I'm risking it ALL for this boy. He was surprised at first but he kissed me passionately to. 

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