Chapter 13-

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**Carl’s prov**

It's been 6 months since Lillie left the group. If she would've stayed she would have known she was safe.

It's killing me not knowing where she is, if she’s safe, and if she's hurt.

I need to know these things because I care. I may not have shown how much I care but I want her to know and now there is no way to tell her.

We were living in a church with a man named Gabriel but he snuck out and accidentally lured walkers back and we had to leave.

Beth was kidnapped by a group and when we were about to bring her with is she was shot in the head.

Bob was kidnapped by the Terminus survivors, they ate his leg but he was bit before hand, they just left him laying in the front of the church. He later died from a bite if a walker and blood loss.

We met a friend of Beth's, his name is Noah. He told us he had a family and a group so we set out to look for them.

When we found his camp they were all dead, we had also lost Tyreese in the process.

Sasha hasn't talked since losing her love and her brother. We are all we had left.

No home, no shelter, no source of happiness… and we are nothing without Lillie.

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