Chapter 6-

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I found two sets of footprints heading away from the prison. One pair you could tell they're older and the other pair you could tell they were younger. I know that the one pair is Carl's footprints because of the print left in the mud. I've been following these tracks for a few hours now. 

There was a convenience store a mile back but it was cleared out. There was nothing left but a dead walker trapped behind a barricaded counter. There's a housing development up ahead maybe Carl is there, and hopefully Rick and the rest of the group is with him.

The tracks end in front of a white house with a white fence. I walk up to the front door and look through a small window and see Rick sleeping on the couch and see Carl walk into what I believe is the kitchen. 

I want to open the front door but the couch Rick's sleeping on in barricading the door. I walk to the back of the house hoping the back door is unlocked. Luckily it is. I turn the doorknob slowly and carefully open it.

"Carl? Rick? It's Lillie!" A gun fires and a bullet hits my right side, "What the hell!" I look up and Carl just stands there with no facial expression at all.

"Why did you shoot me!"

"Yeah that was your fault not mine!"

"I called your names and gave you some fucking time to hear before I walked in!" I yell back and he gives me this glare. The glare he gave me when he said hurtful words, the glare he gave me when he knocked down my belongings, the glare he gave me right before he knocked me to the ground when we were younger.

I take my hand from the gunshot wound and take notice that my shirt is soaked in blood. When I look closer I see that the bullet went clear through me. I look up just as Carl looks down at the gunshot wound he caused. 

"Your family is dead because of you. I hope you know that." I walk right up to looking in those eyes as always, but instead of kindness in my eyes there's fury. I whip my hand up so fast you would think it was a slap but in reality I punched with all my strength I have causing him to tumble.

"Don't you ever say that about my fucking family! I told you because I trusted you! Not for you to use it against me!"

He walks past me and walks out the door to god knows where.

"You're an asshole!" I yell at him slamming the door. What the fuck is wrong with him? I'm just glad I handed Judith to Beth before the prison went down, because if she would've been here Carl could have most likely have shot her. I limp to the living room window and see Carl go into a house. I scope the area and see in one of the rooms is huge walker. I'm glad I left the prison with my knives, bow, and gun because if I didn't bring them I would be screwed.

I struggle to get out the door trying my best to hurry across the street. In all my efforts to help Carl I forget to watch where I walk. I end tripping over the curb. 


It hurts.. it hurts so much. I can't do this it's too much. How can I help anyone in this condition.. let alone myself. There's so much blood.. I need to take care of this but I'll have to wait. Right now he needs my help. I force myself to crawl to the back door of the house Carl went in. I open the door and force myself up the stairs to see Carl struggling with the walker. From the ground, I raise my knife throwing it perfectly.. piercing through the skull of the foul beast.

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