Chapter 14-

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*pant* *pant*

I'm cornered. Not by walkers nor people but by my life choices. On one side I have leaving Rick and on the other side I have the darkness.

The darkness that has monsters lurking within it and I have no choice but to be engulfed by the darkness.

Because I believe with darkness comes light and the more I surround myself with it the closer I am to the light.

Most people run from the darkness but I was born into it so I couldn't turn back all I could do was move forward.

But with every choice there is result and when chose to move forward the result was causing pain to myself and others.

I don't know if what I risked for the light was for good or for myself.

I nor my soul knows but I have come to the conclusion that I need to be the good Shepherd not the false. That I need to start think of others not just myself.

“Drop your shit.” I jump at a deep groggy voice.

“Don't fucking make me tell you again!” as I drop my so called ‘shit' I'm hit in the head by a bat wrapped in something and all I see is black.

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