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"Yea man Marva just left me talking cash shit to me i might as well just go out tonight you know how many women i could have but i just respect my daughter meet me at Free Way Fun brother" Terry hangs up the phone. "Tanya I'm going out tonight if anything happens call me and if anyone try to break in shoot them" Terry leaves and lock the door. Tanya knows eventually Terry is going to end up out of town like he always do when he go out with his friends. Slice texts Tanya and Tanya calls." I'm super bored Slice" Tanya says. "Whats wrong with you baby girl your voice sounds like you been stressing are you OK?" Slice asks. "I'm fine my Dad and his girlfriend split up again they are going to be back together" said Tanya. " Well as long as you good" Slice responded. " Yea I'm good I'm just bored right now i want you to come over but its late right now" Tanya said. " It's never too late to come see you time is just a white man thing its daylight and darkness no time qualifies for me" Slice responded. "Well let me know when you get here" Tanya says with excitement. "Ok Tan" Slice hangs up the phone. Tanya is steady waiting for Steven to bark her dog. Steven then barks she see someone walking towards her back door. She unlocks the back door waiting for Slice to enter. She gets a text message from Slice saying he can't make it he is busy. Tanya hears the back door opening knowing it is not Slice she is frightened. Tanya quietly paces to her room and hides. "Tan..." a stranger voice calls out but is familiar. "I know you are in here and I know you are alone" the voice calls out. Tanya is panicking and does not want to call her father knowing he is drinking. The voice is getting closer to Tanya's room still calling her by her nickname. Tanya phone begins to ring. Slice is calling but she know Slice voice well and know that is not him in her house. The voice is a sound of a male through the age of 20 -25 a light but deepish voice. Tanya room door is opened by the stranger. Tanya looks up and see a face she knows. She then realizes it's her dad girlfriend older nephew Melvin. "Melvin what are you doing here?" Tanya says with fear. "Shhh..." Melvin quiets Tanya down. Melvin reaches over and place his hand over Tanya's mouth. "Take your shirt off now" Melvin demands Tanya. "No" Tanya says with fear. Tanya looks Melvin into his light brown eyes and watches his light skin complexion turns red from being refused by her. Tanya burst into tears. "Melvin why are you doing this!!" Tanya shoving him off of her. " I see how you look at me I know you want me so take me " Melvin forcing Tanya's clothes off. "Please no Melvin you are 22 find someone your age please!! What is wrong with you!!" Tanya screams. "You are not that young I do as i please now take your clothes off it will not be asking later if you don't" Melvin demanding her. Tanya can't scream but wants to. Melvin pulls her pants off and is being shoved off. "Take it Tan !!" Melvin begins to rape her. Tanya cries she can no longer fight him off. "Melvin why!! Why me??" Tanya cries out. Tanya is still uncomfortable for 15 minutes. " You better not tell a soul Tan i mean that" said Melvin. Melvin then put his clothes back on and leaves. Tanya couldn't do anything else but cry.

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