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Its the day of graduation the families from from the different students filled up the local civic center. The four best friends are excited for their name to be called. "Cindie August".... "Ronika Drake"..." Bryanna Richfield"...Tanya Williams".... The principle called and families cheering. At the end of the ceremony the assistant principle Mr.Myers called out the four girl names. " Cindie August,Ronika Drake, Bryanna Richfield, and Tanya Williams may you young ladies please stand. The four girls stand. "I just know Ida Washington would be so proud of y'all the good news is that she left you girls incoming forever money she was wealthy and all four of her houses since her family is deceased she wrote you girls unto her will" said the assistant principle. The girls all hugged each other and cried of joy. The ceremony was finally over. When Tanya and her best friends went out to eat with their dates Slice got up from the table. While bending on one knee he said "Tanya Renee Williams you have always thought i said that i would marry you when you were 18 just to get inside of you but no, like i said every word i say i mean so will you marry me?" asked Slice. A Tear falls from Tanya eye. "Yes! Yes!" said Tanya. The friends cheer the couple and watch them hug.

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