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*This book is not edited. Please excuse my error.

Autumn's P.O.V

I carried the last bag I had over my back while I held a pack of gummy bears in my hand.

I attempted to open the pack but I was getting nowhere. I brought the pack up to my teeth, in attempt to rip it open.

My attempt succeeded.

I opened the packet further grinning down at my gummy bears. I picked up a pineapple flavored one and planted it in my mouth. I love gummy bears.

"Nay!" Only one person called me that. I felt the smile creep on to my face as I paused from walking to my dorm. I turned around and saw my best friend in the entire world.

"Tyler!" I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. "I missed you so much!"

I heard him chuckle. "I missed you too." I took a step back and studied him. He looked different. Very different.

"Wow. Look at you. What did you do to your hair?" I asked while I reached my hand up and started examining better.

Instead of his bushy curls, his hair was done like he just got out of bed. It looked good.

"How was your time in Alaska?" I teased him. He playfully glared at me.

"You know I hate the cold. Plus, my parents arguing with each other for seven weeks isn't that welcoming." I have him a supportive pout.

"Aww. How about after we unpack, we grab some thai food?" I asked. I knew he loved thai food. So did I. He nodded before ruffling my hair.

"See you later, Nay." Let me explain. My middle name is Renee. So instead of my best friend being normal, he calls me by my middle name. It doesn't matter, I don't even mind. I continued down the walkway passing all the freshman's. I remember my first year of college. To tell the truth, it was no different than high school.

I saw Jenna who took my phycology course with me. She was crying on her best friends shoulder. I guess Brian finally decided to dump her.

I'm a very observing person. I can't help it. I don't talk a lot so I just watch. I know a lot of things that are going on around here.

I repeat my dorm number in my head as I made my way across campus with my last bag. I also still had the gummy bears. I finished all the pineapples, orange, lemon, green apple, and all that was left were the raspberries. I eat them exactly in that order.

Before I could pop the first raspberry bear in my mouth, I collided with someone. This person was in a rush so we both hit the ground. Pretty hard, might I add.

"Shit." The person grumbled on top of me. I opened my eyes and pushed the hair out my face. I instantly locked gazes with a pair of black eyes. Dark, ebony eyes. "Sorry about that."

I didn't are if he was sorry or not. What the hell could someone be in such a rush, to literally tackle someone to the floor?!

And why is this little twit still on me?!

As if reading my mind, he slowly got off me and offered me a hand. I ignored it and stood up on my own. He raised an eyebrow at me. I still ignored him.

I was focused on the fact that my freaking gummy bears were all over the damn ground! I was just at the best part!

I looked up at the Twit and saw that he was staring at my gummy bears too. He met my gaze and I guess he in fact was in a rush because he was out of breathe. "Again, sorry about that. I had some business to take care of."

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