Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: What about kissing Matt?
Autumn's P.O.V

Matt and I were now on the balcony looking over at the backyard. We had been up here for an hour now and I think I've calmed down from my drunken state.

So far, I finished three bottles of water and I can't really remember anything before we came up here.

What I do know is how I'm going to kill Tyler tomorrow since he made me drink. Well actually, he made me drink once and I had like a whole bunch after, but this is still sort of his fault.

I also remember what I had saw earlier. I almost forgot about it actually; if I kept drinking tonight, I don't think I would have remembered.

I felt an ache in my chest as I replayed the image of Dylan pressing Alexis up against the wall. I don't know if they were drunk but it still hurt.

It hurt a lot. It hurt because I'm falling way to hard for Dylan.

There goes my little bit of hope. As I said before, you're either disappointed in the end, or you're satisfied. That's what hope is.

And right now, saying I was disappointed was an understatement. Why would I think that Dylan actually cared?

"You okay?" Matt asked me. He had been trying to sober up too.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess." I mumbled. "I knew I'd regret coming tonight."

Matt looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Did something happen?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about it." I murmured.

"It'll help if you talk about it. Remember, we used to talk wherever we needed to get things off our mind. Maybe talking about it will get it off your mind." Matt suggested.

I laughed. Oh my gosh. "Matt, what you just said made no sense." He laughed along with me.

"Seriously, Autumn, whats the problem?" Matt looked at me.

I pursed my lips. "It's just that, I saw of making out with another girl."

Matt gave me an incredulous look.  "He cheated on you?" He asked.

Well, If only he knew that Dylan and I weren't really dating. Even though I wish we were. He was using me so he can get Alexis. And it's working.

He wants Alexis. He only wants Alexis.

Well, I shouldn't be upset. I knew this was going to happen. I just nodded my head at Matt. He then walked over to me and embraced me in a hug.

I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around Matt. I'm glad he and I were good right now, I needed one so bad. Just like I needed this hug.

"Listen to me Autumn, if a guy doesn't care about how you truly feel, then he's not worth it. You're an amazing person, Autumn, and if Dylan doesn't see that then he's out of his mind."

"Thanks, Matt."

Even though I knew what Matt said was true, I still felt upset. I still liked Dylan. A lot. Yeah it hurt to see him with Alexis but, I did still like him.

Matt pulled back and held my face in his hands. "I'm serious, Autumn. You're  smart, talented, and you're extremely beautiful. Any person would be lucky to have you." He whispered.

Okay, is it just me or did this conversation make a unexpected turn?

We are just staring at each other and I didn't have any thoughts. None at all.

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