Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: What about keeping secrets?
Autumns P.O.V

I reached the Roosevelt Hall, where Dylan's dorm is. I just wanted to make sure he was okay.

I knocked on his room door. I started tapping my fingers on my thigh impatiently.

I hope he was okay. I wonder what could possibly be going on through that head of his.

I heard shuffling and soon the door opened.

My face fell when it wasn't Dylan. It was Josh.

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Hey, Autumn." He leaned against the doorframe.

I gave him a tight smile and pushed passed him into the room. It was empty. "Where's Dylan?" I turned to Josh.

He tilted his head. "He's not here." I squinted my eyes at Josh. I don't know if he was just playing dumb or if he was actually out of it. I've hung out with Josh a few times with Dylan and Josh seems pretty off at times. I seriously don't know what the hell is going on in his head.

"Relax, Autumn, I was kidding. Dylan's at the gym." He told me.

He's at the gym? "What is he doing there?"

"Boxing." Josh replied simply. I have to go see him.

"Thanks, Josh." I began to walk out the room when he stopped me.

"I don't think you want to see him right now." Josh pursed his lips. Of course I need to see him.

"Why not?" I folded my arms over my chest.

"He's letting off steam. You have to give him some space for a while. Trust me, he'll be fine in a few hours."

A few hours? I sighed in defeat. "Okay." I answered lowly.

Josh was right. Even though I've seen Dylan 'letting off steam' once, can still tell that its probably not the best time to be around him. I'll just have to give him time.

I began walking out the room when Josh stopped me again. "Why do you want to see him so badly?" Josh asked, with his eyebrows raised and arms crossed. There was also a smirk panting at his lips and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'm just concerned." I shrugged, eyeing him closely.

"How concerned?" Josh stepped forward.

"Concerned enough to go see him to make sure he's okay." Now me and josh were staring each other down, the smirk still playing at his lips.

"Oh really? You don't want to see him for some other reason or something?" Josh raised his eyebrows.

What the hell is wrong with Josh? Why is he asking me so many damn questions? "No. What are you trying to say, Josh?"

He shrugged, with the same smug expression. I felt like slapping it off. "What in trying to say, Autumn, is that, that is not the reason you want to go see Dylan. You and I both know how you really feel."

Wait. Did he-How'd he know I have a crush on Dylan? "So, what does that have to do with anything?" I asked him sharply.

"You're not going to deny it?" Josh found amusement in this. I shook my head.

"No. Although, I have to say I'm impressed you figured it out. Great job, Josh." I said sarcastically.

He frowned. "Hey, I'm not dumb or anything. Don't be all surprised." He told me and I just laughed. "Seriously, this could be good."

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